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发布时间:2018-01-14 08:00

  本文关键词:基于行为经济学的房地产宏观调控 出处:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 传统经济学 行为经济学 行为噪音 BAPM定价模型

【摘要】:1998年房改开始,我国对房地产的调控经历了五个阶段,但是全国在不断上涨。反思我国的房地产宏观调控机理,笔者认为关键问题在于对“绝对理性经济人”的强化上。 文章引入行为经济学理论,认为市场是“有限理性”的,在证明我国房地产市场行为噪音的存在、解释了行为噪音产生的原因、论证行为噪音对房地产市场的影响机制的基础之上,提出从行为经济学角度出发对我国房地产市场进行调控。调控的机理应该是在继续深化“信息完全”与“市场出清”的前提下,针对行为噪音产生的微观原因与行为噪音扩散的宏观机制,从“经济人”的心理角度出发,制定相应的调控政策。最后基于行为噪音产生的原因和对市场的影响机制,从行为经济学角度出发提出了针对行为噪音三类七大调控建议。 本文的特色与创新是:(1)将行为经济学引入房地产调控,,证明了我国房地产市场上存在行为噪音;(2)从行为噪音角度解释了我国房地产市场主体发生行为偏差产生行为噪音的原因;(3)根据行为经济学中的BAPM模型对我国50大城市行为噪音报酬率进行了测算,为各城市实施不同的宏观调控政策提供依据。 本文的不足在于行为噪音对价格的影响机理还应该做更深入的研究,继续深入研究BAPM定价模型在我国房地产资产定价中的运用,只有这样才能更深一步的了解行为噪音与房价的关系,为我国房地产宏观调控提出更加切实可行的建议。
[Abstract]:In 1998, housing reform began, China's real estate regulation and control experienced five stages, but the country is constantly rising. Reflect on our real estate macro-control mechanism. The author believes that the key problem lies in the strengthening of absolute rational economic man. This paper introduces the theory of behavioral economics and holds that the market is "limited rational". It proves the existence of behavioral noise in the real estate market of our country and explains the causes of the noise. On the basis of demonstrating the impact mechanism of behavioral noise on the real estate market. This paper puts forward that the real estate market of our country should be regulated from the angle of behavioral economics. The mechanism of regulation and control should be based on the premise of deepening "complete information" and "clearing of market". In view of the microcosmic causes of behavioral noise and the macro-mechanism of behavioral noise diffusion, the psychological point of view of "economic man" is considered. Finally, based on the causes of behavioral noise and the mechanism of its influence on the market, this paper puts forward seven suggestions on behavioral noise from the perspective of behavioral economics. The characteristic and innovation of this paper is that the behavioral economics is introduced into the real estate regulation and control, which proves the existence of behavioral noise in the real estate market of our country. 2) explain the cause of behavioral noise from the angle of behavior noise; (3) based on the BAPM model in behavioral economics, the behavior noise rate of 50 big cities in China is calculated, which provides the basis for implementing different macro-control policies in each city. The deficiency of this paper is that the influence mechanism of behavior noise on price should be further studied, and the application of BAPM pricing model in real estate asset pricing in China should be further studied. Only in this way can we further understand the relationship between behavioral noise and housing prices, and put forward more practical suggestions for macro-control of real estate in China.


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