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发布时间:2018-01-14 21:24

  本文关键词:土地增值税清算成本费用分摊扣除问题分析 出处:《时代金融》2016年14期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 土地增值税 清算成本费用 分摊扣除 问题 策略

[Abstract]:Land value-added tax is the main means to participate in the distribution of land income, is an important measure of macro-control in China, but also relates to the development of the real estate market in China an important guarantee. It is the key to calculate the land value-added tax (VAT) to determine the allocation of the development cost reasonably. In recent years, with the introduction of macro-control policies on the real estate market in China. China's tax authorities have strengthened the supervision and management of real estate enterprises, especially with the introduction of a series of documents of the State Administration of Taxation. The supervision of land value added tax settlement has been strengthened. Whether the cost of land value-added tax is reasonable or not will have the most direct effect on the profits of real estate enterprises. This article will focus on the land value added tax of real estate enterprises in China. This paper discusses the deduction of liquidation cost and expense sharing. And to explore the appropriate allocation method, in order to provide valuable strategies for the development of real estate enterprises.
【作者单位】: 北京中关村科学城建设股份有限公司;华油实业开发总公司;
【正文快照】: 一、引言 对于房地产企业而言,房地产企业的经营收入主要包括:商品房的销售收入、土地转让收入、配套设施销售收入等共同构成的。土地增值税作为房地产企业中的一项重要成本费用支出,将对房地产企业的利润产生直接影响。近年来,国家为了控制房地产市场的发展,先后出台了一系


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