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发布时间:2018-01-15 23:12

  本文关键词:关于建筑工程中“挂靠”现象的法律思考 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 挂靠 资质 规制

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of city economy. Chinese process also continues to accelerate, the city to speed up the construction of prosperity. For the construction industry, its prosperity is mainly prompted by external economic development, is mainly composed of an improved internal management system of the internal management system, while the construction industry has also been improved. But there is still lagging behind. In the system of the construction industry, there is a disconnect between the management system of construction project and its cause and effect due to prosperity; before Yu Wen of the planned economy, the construction industry enterprise itself still remains part of the era of the planned economy management mode, the construction industry also remains part of the planned economy the construction industry thinking. Therefore China confusion. The population, the real estate market, the construction industry has become to promote the economic development of the Chinese locomotive, the state also added a On the construction industry legislation, standardization of the construction market. However, the legislation and reality of the top-level design the discrepancy, the discrepancy leads to produce some abnormal phenomena, such as the "Guakao". So we need careful analysis, investigate its causes, explore its essence. The construction industry is mainly reflected in the confusion "Guakao" "subcontract" "subcontract" phenomenon. The "Guakao" is more prominent, the impact is relatively large, such as driving up qualification affiliation project cost, is the high level of qualification of construction enterprises, the high proportion of fees for it, illegal calling party through a variety of ways or methods to undertake the project, get higher return to the low cost, the formation of the phenomenon of overestimate risk. On the other hand the birth of unfair trade qualification affiliation, make it become a hotbed of corruption, low levels of the whole construction industry can not be sustained if things go on like this, the scientific development of construction projects. "Guakao" research is a research on the phenomenon of law, through the analysis of the phenomenon of law, understand the set of causes of the legal system, through the analysis of the phenomenon of law, seeking legal rules. The analysis of the legal system, to explore the nature of things and laws. To improve the legal system, make the system conform to the law, eliminate hinder its laws of development disorder, follow the law of development of the guiding factor, so as to promote the construction of the development of industry standards. The reasonable legal system can ease social contradictions, leading the society forward to the road in the right direction. Research project "hanging on" one hand can not only provide some reference to the legal system setting, but also can give the industry a thinking, have a certain role in judicial judgment. The basic idea is "Guakao" is still hot, "anchored" behavior of repeated check requires careful analysis of "hanging. By ", study its development, mining the deep-seated reason. Based on the theory analysis of the results of absorption studies of other scholars on the analysis of" linked "causal, source of" anchored "phenomenon of governance recommendations. As a legal phenomenon" "anchored will provide some suggestions. This paper the framework consists of five parts: the first part is" anchored ". This is the basic theory of" anchored "description and manifestation of the basic concept, study its connotation, find out the basic legal characteristics. The second part is" anchored "history. Tracing its historical origins," "on the link the environment, seeking its inevitability and contingency. The third part is the" linked "situation, mainly from the legislative and judicial practice, the views of scholars and the view analysis" anchored "status. The fourth part is the analysis of the" original "link From a legal point of view, we analyze and analyze "affiliation" from the perspective of economics. The fifth part is based on the above analysis, combined with the actual environment of China, put forward suggestions for governance dependence phenomenon.



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