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发布时间:2018-01-18 03:04

  本文关键词:临安金基房地产开发有限公司流程再造研究 出处:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产企业 流程再造 流程实施

【摘要】:中国房地产企业在当前国家深入WTO与打击投资和投机的综合因素影响下,所面临的经济全球化、市场多样化、管理信息化的挑战日渐加剧。房地产企业的高管们都清醒地意识到必须提升企业核心竞争力才能立足生存与持续发展。 业务流程再造已被国内外管理学家公认为提升企业核心竞争力的“利器”,并在工业生产领域得到了广泛的应用与验证。中国房地产开发建设具有地域性强和受政策影响大的特点。本文从房地产的上述特性着手,引用在制造业内已获得使用认可的业务流程再造理论,结合金基房产面临的企业内外部变化因素,对其实施BPR的全过程进行了具体研究。 论文首先介绍了房地产企业实施流程再造的研究背景、研究目的和意义,其次综合介绍了流程再造相关理论和实践应用情况。着重对流程再造实施原则与步骤进行论述。强调流程再造并行工程对再造获得成功的重要辅助作用。接下来论文从临安金基房地产开发有限公司流程管理的现状分析入手,运用“鱼骨图法”结合企业实际,诊断流程管理现状。随后全面介绍了临安金基房地产开发有限公司依据诊断分析结果实施流程再造的全过程。举例描述了再造后输出的“公司决策、区域公司经营”业务模式,和全新的集团组织结构、业务流程。最后,从再造流程实施总体效果、流程完整性、流程合理性、流程细化程度、流程与战略的一致性、组织结构和流程制度情况等角度进行评价,最终得出对该次流程再造效果的评价结果。依据评价结果判定临安金基房地产开发有限公司实施的该次流程再造取得了良好的效果。
[Abstract]:Chinese real estate enterprises are facing economic globalization and market diversification under the influence of the comprehensive factors of deepening WTO and cracking down on investment and speculation. The challenge of information management is becoming more and more serious. Executives of real estate enterprises are aware of the need to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises in order to survive and sustainable development. Business process reengineering has been recognized by domestic and foreign management experts as a "sharp weapon" to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. And in the field of industrial production has been widely used and verified. The development and construction of real estate in China has the characteristics of strong regional and greatly affected by policies. This paper starts with the above characteristics of real estate. Based on the theory of Business process Reengineering (BPR) which has been approved in manufacturing industry and the internal and external factors of Jinji real estate, the whole process of implementing BPR is studied in detail. Firstly, the paper introduces the research background, purpose and significance of implementing process reengineering in real estate enterprises. Secondly, the relevant theory and practice of process reengineering are introduced, the principles and steps of process reengineering are discussed, and the importance of concurrent engineering in process reengineering is emphasized. Next, it is pointed out that the concurrent engineering of process reengineering plays an important role in the success of process reengineering. This paper starts with the analysis of the current situation of process management in Linan Jinji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The application of "fish bone map" combined with the actual enterprise. Then it introduces the whole process of process reengineering in Linan Jinji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. According to the results of diagnosis and analysis. An example is given to describe the "company decision" output after reengineering. Regional company management "business model, and a new group of organizational structure, business processes. Finally, from the overall effect of reengineering process implementation, process integrity, process rationality, process refinement." The consistency of process and strategy, organizational structure and process system are evaluated. Finally, the evaluation result of the process reengineering effect is obtained. According to the evaluation result, the process reengineering implemented by Linan Jinji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. has achieved good results.


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3 于英波;沈阳新基房地产开发公司发展战略研究[D];大连理工大学;2007年




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