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发布时间:2018-01-19 12:18

  本文关键词: 保障性住房 融资模式 PPP 出处:《南京林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经过三十余年的发展,我国的住房保障制度逐步建立并完善,形成了以经济适用房、廉租房、公共租赁住房为主要形式的住房保障体系。“十二五”以来,我国加快了保障性住房建设的步伐,计划于这五年间,建设3600万套保障性住房。这些动作对解决城镇中低收入家庭住房问题,缓解国内住房需求矛盾,稳定房地产市场起到了重要作用。但是同时要看到,我国目前的保障性住房建设存在诸如对国家财政收入的依赖性过强,建设资金来源稳定性不够,无法对地方政府形成有效激励,金融工具缺失等问题,这使我国保障性住房建设的稳定性和可持续性大打折扣。因此,拓宽融资渠道,多样化融资模式就显得尤为重要。 论文对近年来我国的经济适用房、廉租房、公共租赁住房政策进行梳理,立足于我国保障性住房发展的现实状况,指出融资模式是目前制约我国保障性住房建设的瓶颈之一。在对比分析REITs、资产证券化、PPP等住房问题解决较好国家用来解决住房保障问题的融资模式后发现,REITS和资产证券化若要在我国推广,缺乏必要的支撑条件。若将PPP融资模式应用于我国保障性住房的建设当中,有利于提高工作效率,降低工程费用,减轻政府压力,并且充分发挥公、私双方比较优势,对推动项目发展非常有利。而且我国多个城市已将PPP模式应用于水务发展、高速公路建设等基础设施建设,若将PPP模式移植到保障性住房建设中来,也将有一定经验可以借鉴。 在此基础上,借鉴世界上PPP模式发达国家和地区经验,对传统PPP模式进行改造,构造适合应用到我国保障性住房建设中的融资模式:在国家层次上设立PPP模式统筹机构,充当PPP模式的引导者;在政府部门和私人部门之间融入中间组织,作为政府和私人部门的协调者;政府部门则要进行必要的分权,,将角色从主导者转变为服务者。这样国家层面统筹机构、政府、中间组织以及市场相互补充,相互支持、相互监督,不仅使得权力寻租的机会减少,由于各方关系的理顺,保障性住房的供给效率也会大大提高,实现各参与方的共赢。 通过“政府履约情况的博弈分析”和“政府监督与私人企业推卸责任的博弈分析”,得出结论,国家层面统筹机构和中间组织的添加对于降低项目风险,提高项目运行效率和项目质量有非常积极的作用,验证了改进PPP模式在我国保障性住房建设中的适应性。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of development, China's housing security system is gradually established and improved, forming a housing security system with comfortable housing, low-rent housing, public rental housing as the main form. "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". China has accelerated the pace of the construction of affordable housing, planning to build 36 million sets of affordable housing in these five years. These actions will solve the housing problem of low-income families in cities and towns, ease the contradiction of domestic housing demand. Stabilizing the real estate market has played an important role, but at the same time, we should see that the current construction of affordable housing in our country, such as the dependence on national financial revenue is too strong, the stability of construction funds is not enough. Unable to form effective incentives to local governments, lack of financial instruments and other problems, which makes the stability and sustainability of the construction of affordable housing in China greatly reduced. Therefore, broaden the financing channels. Diversification of the financing model is particularly important. The thesis combs the recent years' comfortable housing, low-rent housing, public rental housing policy, based on the reality of the development of affordable housing in China. It is pointed out that the financing mode is one of the bottlenecks restricting the construction of affordable housing in China at present. In the comparative analysis of REITs, asset securitization. PPP and other housing problems in better countries to solve the housing security problem of the financing model found that it and asset securitization in China if the promotion. Lack of necessary supporting conditions. If the PPP financing model is applied to the construction of affordable housing in China, it will help to improve the work efficiency, reduce project costs, reduce government pressure, and give full play to the public. Private comparative advantage is very beneficial to the development of the project, and many cities in China have applied the PPP model to water development, highway construction and other infrastructure construction. If the PPP model is transplanted to the construction of indemnificatory housing, there will be some experience to learn from it. On this basis, using the experience of the developed countries and regions in the world for reference, the traditional PPP model is reformed. The structure is suitable for the financing mode in the construction of the indemnificatory housing in our country: set up the overall organization of the PPP mode at the national level and act as the guide of the PPP model; Integration of intermediate organizations between the Government and the private sector, acting as coordinators between the Government and the private sector; Government departments should carry out the necessary decentralization and change their roles from leaders to service providers. Thus the national level co-ordinating agencies, governments, intermediate organizations and the market complement each other, support each other, and supervise each other. It not only reduces the opportunity of power rent-seeking, but also improves the efficiency of the supply of affordable housing because of the straightening out of the relations between the parties, and realizes the win-win situation of the participants. Through "game analysis of government performance" and "game analysis of government supervision and shirking responsibility of private enterprises", it is concluded that the addition of national level co-ordinating agencies and intermediate organizations can reduce project risk. Improving the efficiency and quality of the project has a very positive effect, which verifies the adaptability of the improved PPP model in the construction of affordable housing in China.


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