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发布时间:2018-01-20 14:26

  本文关键词: 土地财政 土地流转 房价暴涨 分税制改革 出处:《现代经济信息》2016年17期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In 2014, 2015, the growth rate of real estate investment slowed significantly for two consecutive years, real estate sales area and sales fell from the same period last year. Profits in the real estate industry decreased and turnover slowed. Scale growth stall and so on began to appear together, real estate companies have emerged a more difficult business situation. The market on the real estate industry pessimistic expectations are also increasing. However. The situation reversed almost instantaneously. In 2016, house prices started with an explosive rise, followed by high prices, and the overall price trend surprised everyone. At the same time, housing companies were driven by irrational follow-ups. It also causes the land market to create a new history again. The occurrence of this phenomenon is naturally the result of many factors, and the land finance is a key logic hidden behind it. The term "land finance" refers to the special institutional conditions of our country (tax sharing). Our country local finance excessively depends on the related taxes and fees brought by the land and the abnormal phenomenon of the financing income. The "land finance" alleviates the local government's financial difficulty objectively. It has promoted the construction of urban infrastructure and the provision of public goods in China, these positive effects must be affirmed; However, objectively speaking, the "land finance" is not sustainable in the long run, and the persistent existence of "land finance" is not conducive to the steady growth of local financial revenue. As a result of the soaring house prices, damage to the interests of ordinary people, its financial, financial and social risks can not be ignored. Therefore, we must attach great importance to "land finance", seriously study. Adopt scientific method, firmly gradually get rid of the fence of land finance.
【作者单位】: 广西大学商学院;
【正文快照】: 本文认为,“土地财政”指的是:在我国现有的特别的体制条件下(分税制),我国地方财政过度地依赖土地所带来的相关税费和融资收入的非正常现象。“土地财政”在客观上缓解了地方政府的财政困难,推动了我国城市基础设施的建设和公共产品的提供,这些积极的效应是必须肯定的;然而,


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