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发布时间:2018-01-21 22:47

  本文关键词: 房地产业 可持续发展 合肥市 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放30多年来,住房体制由住房货币化补贴取代了福利分房,也是房地产业发展的高峰期。在扩大内需结构,有效拉动国民经济的宏观经济环境下,在稳健的货币政策和积极的财政政策催化下,房地产行业超常规、跨越式发展,在整个国民经济体系中具有十分重要的地位和作用。 目前,合肥市正在向区域性特大城市迈进,合肥作为省会城市地处交通要道,是皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的核心城市之一,产业基础强,发展环境好,国家和省政府都给予大力的政策支持,经济集中度较高,辐射效应逐渐明显,房地产业发展潜力很大。本文通过对合肥市近年来房地产业统计数据进行分析,虽然合肥市房地产市场得到了快速发展,但是仍然存在许多急需解决的问题,例如:房地产市场供应结构有待进一步完善;房地产开发资金来源中自有资金所占比例较低,融资难的问题有待解决;产品业态需多元化发展;房价仍在持续上涨;自然资源消耗大;市场秩序还有待进一步规范等等。因为房地产业的发展与我们每个人的生活息息相关,在国民经济体系中占有举足轻重的地位。所以对如何促进合肥市房地产业可持续发展研究具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。 本文以实地调查搜集的数据资料和相关行业统计数据资料为依据,通过与专家访谈、召开座谈会等多种方式,根据中国房地产业发展的情况,选择以合肥市房地产业为例,作为研究的对象。在论文的论述过程中,从可持续发展理论入手,通过对经济学和房地产业相关理论进行梳理,建立理论基础,房地产业与其他行业不同,发展过慢将影响国民经济整体发展,发展过快将挤占国民经济其他产业的发展空间,制约了国民经济发展。然后通过各类数据进行比较分析等方法,把可持续发展理论和房地产业的基本特征融为一体,结合国外有关房地产业可持续发展的经验和国内部分城市房地产业泡沫经济的教训,分析阐述房地产业可持续发展的主要含义、重要意义和必要性。通过对中部快速崛起的合肥市市情进行分析,从宏观经济环境、区位优势、政策优势、经济优势和市场需求优势等方面阐述合肥市房地产业面临的机遇。根据对合肥市房地产业概况、月度供求情况等分析,归纳总结存在的问题,指出影响合肥市房地产业可持续发展的主要因素:宏观调控政策对房地产业的影响、产业结构不合理、金融风险大、自然能源资源消耗大和城市经济辐射作用小;对如何促进合肥市房地产业可持续发展提出了自己的观点,一是完善市场配置和政府保障制度,二是提升房地产业发展水平,三是推进建筑产业一体化,四是加快转变城市发展方式和房地产业发展方式,五是制定差异性政策,供政府相关职能部门制定房地产市场宏观调控政策时参考借鉴。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, housing system has replaced welfare housing division by housing monetization subsidies, which is also the peak period of real estate development. Under the macroeconomic environment of expanding domestic demand structure and effectively stimulating the national economy. Under the catalysis of prudent monetary policy and active fiscal policy, the real estate industry has a very important position and role in the whole national economic system. At present, Hefei is moving towards a regional mega-city. Hefei, as the provincial capital city, is located in the transportation route, and is one of the core cities in the Wanjiang urban belt to undertake industrial transfer demonstration area, with a strong industrial base and a good development environment. The state and the provincial government give strong policy support, the economic concentration is high, the radiation effect is gradually obvious, the real estate industry development potential is very great. This paper analyzes the real estate industry statistical data of Hefei in recent years. Although the real estate market in Hefei has developed rapidly, there are still many problems that need to be solved. For example, the supply structure of the real estate market needs to be further improved; The proportion of self-owned funds in real estate development is low, and the problem of financing is difficult to be solved. Product format needs to be diversified; Housing prices are still rising; Large consumption of natural resources; The order of the market needs to be further regulated, etc., because the development of the real estate industry is closely related to the life of each of us. Therefore, the research on how to promote the sustainable development of real estate industry in Hefei has certain theoretical and practical significance. This paper is based on the data collected by field investigation and related industry statistics, through interviews with experts, holding seminars and other ways, according to the development of the real estate industry in China. Choose Hefei real estate as an example, as the object of study. In the process of the paper, from the theory of sustainable development, through the economics and real estate related theories to comb, establish the theoretical basis. Unlike other industries, the slow development of the real estate industry will affect the overall development of the national economy, and the rapid development of other industries will occupy the development space of the national economy. Then the theory of sustainable development and the basic characteristics of the real estate industry are integrated through the comparison and analysis of various kinds of data. Based on the experiences of foreign countries about the sustainable development of real estate industry and the lessons of bubble economy in some cities of China, this paper analyzes the main meaning of sustainable development of real estate industry. Through the analysis of the rapid rise of the central city of Hefei, from the macroeconomic environment, location advantages, policy advantages. Based on the analysis of the situation of Hefei real estate industry and monthly supply and demand, the paper summarizes the existing problems. The paper points out the main factors that affect the sustainable development of real estate industry in Hefei: the influence of macro-control policy on real estate industry, the unreasonable industrial structure and the great financial risk. Large consumption of natural energy resources and small radiation effect of urban economy; On how to promote the sustainable development of the real estate industry in Hefei put forward their own views, one is to improve the market allocation and government security system, the other is to improve the development level of the real estate industry, and third, to promote the integration of the construction industry. The fourth is to speed up the transformation of urban development mode and real estate development mode, and the fifth is to formulate differential policies, which can be used for reference when the relevant functional departments of the government formulate macro-control policies of real estate market.


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