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发布时间:2018-01-22 00:25

  本文关键词: 实木家具 卧房 市场调研 竞争环境 设计响应 出处:《南京林业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:完整的产品设计流程一般包括前期市场分析调研、产品概念设计、产品评估、产品实体设计。家具设计也属于产品设计的一种,在市场上,被消费者认可的家具才是设计成功的产品。优秀的家具设计师,不但是艺术家,,更是工程师。他们需要有很强的综合素质,成熟工业产品设计行业设计师可以称为产品经理。他们从市场调研到用户需求的反馈,从产品视觉元素设计到产品结构设计都能把握重要方向。本文便是以企业产品经理角色职责内容为主线,以现代实木卧房为例,以市场为消费者需求、市场竞争环境、产业竞争环境、消费者对设计元素喜好角度出发,使用市场实地考察法、问卷调查法、感性工学语意分析法等研究方法,综合了市场营销理论、市场经济学理论、感性工学理论,着重研究了产品设计前市场分析调研和产品概念设计,也为其他种类家具设计提供有效的方法和理论基础。 笔者选择外来人口最集中的广东深圳作为调查地点,对四百名随机抽选的人群进行实木卧房家具市场需求问卷调查;并走访深圳香蜜湖红星美凯龙等具有代表性的家具卖场,参观2011年-2014年三年之间的上海家具展、珠三角三地家具展,对具有代表性实木家具企业做最新的设计动态、市场动态、产品线调查,了解行业最新流行趋势动向。最后选择50名南京林业大学设计系和非设计系学生,对不同设计造型、颜色、材质的实木卧房家具进行感性语意分析调查。借助SPSS19.0和EXCEL软件对以上调查数据进行统计分析,得到以下主要结果: (1)家具销售与房地产销售有着直接的关系,统计调查实木卧房家具消费者以新购房人群为主。其中25-35岁年轻人占据比较大的比例。产品设计定位时可以针对这类人群消费习惯以及喜好进行卧房家具设计,这类人群是家具消费的主力军。 (2)中国房产户型中卧房面积在15平米左右,房型以方正形状为主。为了满足卧房的空间需求,消费者在选择购买卧房家具时一般购买床、床头柜、衣柜。家具设计是在设计卧房时候着重以设计床、床头柜、衣柜为主,本文着重研究这三件卧房家具的设计元素。 (3)目前市场上实木卧房家具大多以现代风格和新中式风格为主,价格大多集中在中端和中低端价位,黑胡桃木和乌金木通常用来体现高端家具实木质感;核桃木、楸木、榉木、水曲柳等一般用于中端或者低端实木家具。新亚洲主义风格大肆流行,高端现代实木家具和高端新中式实木家具、儿童实木家具目前在市场几乎是空白。 (4)不同造型、色彩、材质的卧房家具传达给消费者的感性语意的不同的。笔者将市场上卧房家具进行分类,并对不同类别家具进行SD语意分析,通过数据分析得出不同风格家具所表达的语意,并将其转换为设计元素。 (5)根据前期的设计研究结论,尝试设计出符合市场需求的卧房家具。 本文由于时间和技术因素,在论文完成之际,没有能对响应设计出的卧房家具产品进行市场评估以及市场信息的反馈,不能及时检验设计的成功性。但是本文却从一个全面的角度,结合了经济学、市场营销学、数学、感性工学等学科,对产品设计前市场调研做出尝试性研究并得出重要的数据,为其他设计师以及其他产品设计提供了理论基础和技术支持。
[Abstract]:The whole product design process generally includes previous market analysis survey , product conceptual design , product evaluation and product entity design . The furniture design also belongs to the product design . The furniture design also belongs to the product design . In this paper , the author chooses Guangdong Shenzhen , the most centralized foreign population , as the investigation place , and surveys the demand of four hundred randomly selected persons in real - wood bedroom furniture market , and visits Shanghai Furniture Exhibition and Pearl River Delta Furniture Exhibition between 2011 and 2014 . Finally , 50 Nanjing Forestry University design department and non - design department students are selected to analyze the perceptual semantic analysis of the real - wood bedroom furniture with different design shapes , colors and materials . The following main results are obtained by means of SPSS 10.0 and Excel software . ( 1 ) Furniture sales have a direct relationship with real estate sales . The survey shows that the real - wood bedroom furniture consumers are mainly the new buyers . Among them , 25 - 35 - year - old young people occupy a relatively large proportion . In product design and orientation , they can be designed for the consumption habits and preferences of these people . These people are the main force of furniture consumption . ( 2 ) The bedroom area of Chinese real estate is about 15 square meters , and the room type is mainly square . In order to meet the space requirement of the bedroom , the consumer generally buys bed , bedside cabinet and wardrobe when selecting the bedroom furniture . The furniture design is mainly based on the design bed , the bedside cabinet and the wardrobe during the design of the bedroom , and the design elements of the three bedroom furniture are mainly researched . ( 3 ) Most of the real - wood bedroom furniture in the market is mainly in the modern style and the new style style . Most of the prices are concentrated at the middle and low end prices , and the black walnut wood and the black gold wood are commonly used to embody the solid wood quality of the high - end furniture . The new Asian style is popular , the high - end modern solid wood furniture and the high - end new middle - style solid wood furniture , and the child real wood furniture is almost blank in the market . ( 4 ) The different styles , colors and materials of bedroom furniture convey to consumers the different meanings . The author classifies the bedroom furniture in the market , and carries out SD semantic analysis on different kinds of furniture , obtains the meaning of different style furniture through data analysis , and converts them into design elements . ( 5 ) According to the previous design research conclusion , try to design bedroom furniture which accords with the market demand . Due to the time and technical factors , it is not possible to make market assessment and feedback of market information for the bedroom furniture products designed in response to the time and technical factors . However , this paper makes a tentative study on the market research before the product design and obtains important data from a comprehensive perspective , and provides theoretical basis and technical support for other designers and other product design .



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