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发布时间:2018-01-24 01:56

  本文关键词: 薪酬体系 工作分析 岗位评价 出处:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在当今时代,人类经济的发展已经从主要依靠物的投入转向主要依靠智力的投入。现代经济增长理论认为,人力资本投入是现代经济增长的重要因素,知识是提高劳动生产率和实现经济增长的主要驱动力。在竞争日益激烈的房地产行业,如何最大限度的发挥企业人力资源的作用已经成为各个企业的重要课题,而薪酬作为人力资源管理中的核心模块,在企业不断发展面对日益激烈的外部竞争过程中发挥着重要作用。公平、具竞争力的薪资体系是公司实施人力资源战略的基本保障。合理的薪资可使企业吸引到合格的员工,鼓励员工积极工作,提高技能,从而提升企业效率,赢得竞争优势。构建一套能吸引保留人才同时具有市场竞争力的薪酬体系,有效的激励员工不断为企业创造价值做出新的贡献关系着企业未来的发展。 就中国房地产行业现阶段特点和发展趋势来看,主要存在着以下特点:首先,房地产开发企业数量众多,行业集中度低。中国现阶段的房地产开发企业数量超过50000家,行业的CR4约为2%到4%之间(行业集中度[Centralization Ratio]CR是衡量行业集中程度和竞争态势的重要指标。CRX表示行业前X位企业的市场份额,按照“贝恩分类法”,如果行业集中度CR430%,则该行业为竞争型,如果CR4≥30%,则该行业为寡头垄断型,65%CR475%为高集中寡头垄断型,CR4≥75%为极高寡头垄断型)。随着国家的宏观调控政策落实,行业门槛提高,行业集中度将进一步加强。其次,少数具备行业竞争优势的企业规模迅速扩大,相当一部分企业将退出市场。竞争逐渐加剧,行业利润水平下降,薪酬分配在关注内部平衡的基础上更趋于市场化。 成都ZX实业(集团)有限公司是一家以房地产业为主的投资控股型集团公司,参股、控股40余家企业。公司创建于1997年,2004年6月1日完成集团化改组。秉承“为您想得更多,为您做得更好”的企业理念,ZX集团现已形成了商住地产开发、产业园区建设、汽车贸易、地产综合服务四大核心产业板块。以“舍得、团队、创新、服务、细节”等企业特色著称业界。但是,随着企业不断的发展壮大,在集团的“大脑”即承担集团各项事务总体决策规划的总部却仍然沿用传统的薪酬激励制度,同企业发展战略出现了脱轨,薪酬体系在科学性、合理性、内部公平性以及外部竞争性等方面都出现滞后,无法有效的激励员工,调动其积极性,在人力资源规划层面难以满足企业发展对人才的需求,与此同时,在一些关键的核心岗位上,人才不断流失,这样严重影响了集团战略目标的实现并制约着企业发展。 本文以ZX集团总部作为研究对象,首先根据国内外薪酬设计领域相关理论,提炼出对薪酬体系再设计的结构框架假设。以该假设作为理论指导,在对其组织结构、人力资源状况和现行薪酬体系进行调查研究后,分析出现行薪酬体系存在的问题并结合在企业内外的薪酬调查,整理出薪酬体系再设计的思路、目标和方法。通过对各个岗位进行工作分析、岗位评价后,将各类岗位进行归级,构建出了新的岗位价值矩阵,再对应的构建出薪酬等级表。最后结合企业自身情况和外部竞争环境,重新设计了薪酬体系,将其划分为三大模块:固定工资、浮动工资和附加工资,形成了以岗位工资、绩效工资和年度奖金为主体的薪酬体系,并且对企业的绩效考核模式进行了改善,真正的将薪酬体系同绩效考核体系关联起来,保证薪酬体系能更好的发挥其激励功能,在人力资源方面为企业的战略发展提供有力的保障。 文章详细阐述了如何从理论中提炼出实际可行的模型并结合科学客观的技术方法对ZX集团总部薪酬体系进行再设计的全过程,实现了从理论到实践的转化。同时,希望让处于相似发展阶段的地产企业在进行薪酬体系设计时可以参考文章中的一些创新理念和方法。
[Abstract]:In today's era, the economic development of mankind has been mainly rely on the investment to rely mainly on intellectual investment. Modern economic growth theory, human capital investment is an important factor in modern economic growth, knowledge is to improve labor productivity and achieve economic growth of the main driving force. In the increasingly fierce competition in the real estate industry, how to to maximize the role of corporate human resources has become an important issue for each enterprise, while the compensation as the core module of human resource management, in the continuous development of enterprises face plays an important role in the process of external competition increasingly fierce. Fair and competitive salary system is the basic guarantee of the company in the implementation of human resources strategy reasonable. The salary will enable enterprises to attract qualified employees, encourage employees to actively improve work skills, and to enhance business efficiency, gain a competitive advantage. To build a salary system that can attract and retain talents and market competitiveness, effective incentives for employees to make new contributions to enterprises' value creation will be related to the future development of enterprises.
At the present stage Chinese characteristics and development trend of the real estate industry, mainly has the following characteristics: first, a large number of real estate development enterprises, industry concentration is low. The number of Chinese at this stage of the real estate development companies in more than 50000 industries CR4 is about 2% to 4% [Centralization Ratio]CR (industry concentration is a measure of the industry concentration and competition is an important index of the.CRX industry before the X enterprise's market share, according to the "Bain method", if the industry concentration is CR430%, the industry is competitive, if CR4 is greater than 30%, then the industry is oligopolistic, 65%CR475% is high concentrated oligopoly, for CR4 = 75% high oligopoly). Along with the national macro-control policies, the industry to raise the threshold, industry concentration will be further strengthened. Secondly, a few have the industry competitive advantage of the enterprise scale expanding rapidly, rather Some enterprises will withdraw from the market. The competition is increasing, the profit level of the industry is declining, and the salary distribution is more marketable on the basis of internal balance.
Chengdu ZX Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd is a company based in the real estate investment holding group company, holding shares, more than 40 companies. The company was founded in 1997, completed in June 1, 2004 the group reorganization. Adhering to the "you want more, do better for your business idea, ZX group has been formed. Commercial real estate development, industrial park construction, automobile trade, integrated real estate services four core industrial sectors. With" willing, team, innovation, service, details of enterprises characteristics of said industry. However, with the constant development and expansion of enterprises, the group's "brain" is to take the group affairs overall planning decision is based still follow the traditional compensation incentive system, the derailment with the enterprise development strategy, the salary system in science, rationality, fairness of internal and external competition ability is lagging behind, unable to effectively stimulate Motivate employees and mobilize their enthusiasm, it is difficult to meet the needs of talent development in the human resource planning level. At the same time, in some key core positions, talents are continuously losing, which seriously affects the realization of the strategic objectives of the group and restricts the development of enterprises.
In this paper, the ZX group headquarters as the research object, according to the domestic and foreign related theories of salary design field, refine the structure and the design of the compensation system. Based on the hypothesis hypothesis as the theoretical guidance, in the organizational structure, research status of human resources and the current salary system, analysis of existing salary system problems combined with the salary survey both inside and outside the enterprise, sorting out the salary system design ideas, objectives and methods. Through the analysis of each work post, job evaluation, all kinds of job level, construct a new post value matrix, construct the corresponding salary level table. Finally, combined with their own the external environment and the competitive environment, the redesign of the salary system, which is divided into three modules: fixed wages, floating wages and additional wage, the formation of position salary and performance salary And an annual bonus as the main body of the salary system and performance appraisal model of enterprises has been improved, the real salary system and performance evaluation system will link up to ensure compensation system can better play its incentive function, provides the powerful safeguard for the strategic development of the enterprise in the human resources.
This paper describes how to extract from the theory of practical model and method, scientific and objective of the whole process of design of the headquarters of the salary system of ZX group, realize the transformation from theory to practice. At the same time, hope to make in a similar stage of development of real estate enterprises may be some innovative ideas and methods of reference articles in the pay system design.



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