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发布时间:2018-01-24 18:08

  本文关键词: 房地产公司 采购管理 采购流程 供应商管理 采购成本管理 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:国内的房地产行业竞争已经进入白热化阶段,一线城市房价暴涨,三线以下城市滞销,银行放贷暂停多种因素的综合影响,致使每天都有房地产公司倒闭。对于目前的中国,大部分企业还不太知道供应链管理和采购管理的关系及其重要性。 本文广泛研究了国内外房地产采购的一般理论和发展趋势,并对房地产和房地产业的概念与特性,房地产采购的内涵,房地产采购管理的内容、原则、管理目标,房地产采购模式以及房地产采购流程等进行了全方位剖析。文章结合金鼎地产的实际情况,运用文献研究法、系统分析法、实证研究法等研究方法,对其采购管理的现状进行分析,发现存在的问题,并运用采购管理的相关理论和方法,对采购模式、供应商管理、成本控制等关键步骤进行了改进,并提出相应的实施保障措施。 文章首先概述金鼎房地产公司的基本情况,描述其采购管理的现状,剖析存在的主要问题,为下文的采购管理体系改进确立方向。其次,结合目前房地产业采购管理的现状和发展趋势,提出金鼎房地产公司采购管理的改进思路、原则和目标,并对采购流程进行了改进;对采购模式的集中采购、战略供应商和电子采购进行了科学优化;对供应商管理的认证考核和供应商关系进行了完善;对采购成本管理运用ABC分类法和二维象限分析分进行了归类梳理,提出具体的改进方案。最后,论述了改进方案实施的保障措施,提出了保障新的采购管理体系实施的方法和措施,,以期能够使金鼎地产的采购管理水平得到提升,对占中国房地产企业总数90%以上的中小房地产企业的采购管理工作有所启迪,从而促进行业的健康发展。
[Abstract]:Domestic real estate industry competition has entered a white-hot stage, housing prices in first-tier cities skyrocketed, unsalable cities below the third line, bank lending suspension of a variety of factors. Real estate companies fail every day. Most companies in China don't know much about the relationship between supply chain management and purchasing management and its importance. This paper studies the general theory and development trend of real estate procurement at home and abroad, and the concept and characteristics of real estate and real estate, the connotation of real estate procurement, the content and principles of real estate procurement management. Management objectives, real estate procurement model and real estate procurement process were analyzed in all directions. The article combined with the actual situation of Jinding real estate, using literature research, system analysis, empirical research and other research methods. This paper analyzes the current situation of its procurement management, finds out the existing problems, and uses the relevant theory and methods of procurement management to improve the key steps of procurement mode, supplier management, cost control and so on. And puts forward the corresponding implementation safeguard measure. This paper first summarizes the basic situation of Jinding Real Estate Company, describes the current situation of its procurement management, analyzes the main problems, and establishes the direction for the following procurement management system improvement. Secondly. Combined with the current situation and development trend of real estate purchasing management, this paper puts forward the ideas, principles and objectives of improving the procurement management of Jinding Real Estate Company, and improves the procurement process. The centralized procurement, strategic suppliers and electronic procurement are scientifically optimized. The certification and evaluation of supplier management and supplier relationship are improved; This paper classifies purchasing cost management by using ABC classification and two-dimensional quadrant analysis, and puts forward specific improvement scheme. Finally, the paper discusses the safeguard measures to improve the implementation of the scheme. This paper puts forward the methods and measures to ensure the implementation of the new purchasing management system in order to improve the purchasing management level of Jinding Real Estate. It enlightens the purchasing management of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, which account for more than 90% of the total number of real estate enterprises in China, thus promoting the healthy development of the industry.


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