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发布时间:2018-01-26 14:02

  本文关键词: 营销策划 SWOT分析 4P理论 市场细分 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the situation of China's real estate market is constantly changing, the government frequently issued macro-control policies, the real estate market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, in order to promote the sale of real estate products. Real estate development enterprises in real estate projects on the means of marketing planning innovation, marketing planning plans are also more and more novel. This makes the real estate marketing planning of our country has got certain development, but as far as the current situation, there are still some obvious problems in the real estate marketing planning. Real estate enterprises can only start from the market reality, design a good marketing strategy for the operation of real estate projects, and improve their marketing planning ability and so on. But it is because of the fierce competition in the real estate market that it highlights the importance of the marketing planning of real estate projects. For the real estate project marketing planning research is more practical significance. This paper on the basis of the existing real estate marketing theory combing and sorting, using STP theory and 4P theory and other theories and methods. According to the actual situation of Yongzhou WX real estate project, this paper makes a detailed analysis of each link in the process of project handling. Firstly, it introduces the research situation at home and abroad. And then carefully analyzed the Yongzhou WX real estate project marketing environment, including the project external environment, internal environment, market research and SWOT analysis. Then the marketing strategy of Yongzhou WX real estate project has been carefully combed, combined with the STP strategy for product positioning, customer positioning, channel positioning, promotion positioning and so on. In the end, this paper puts forward the concrete feasible method of how to ensure the implementation of the project marketing strategy. The research in this paper is based on a large amount of detailed field research data of WX real estate project and Qiyang market where the project is located. Yes. Therefore, the relevant conclusions have certain guidance and reference significance to the market operation of the similar fourth-line cities, and also have certain theoretical significance to the real estate marketing planning and the case study.


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