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发布时间:2018-01-28 00:29

  本文关键词: 商品房预约合同 法律效力 违约责任 继续履行 损害赔偿 出处:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the real estate market in our country, the reservation contract is more and more widely used in the field of commercial housing sale. However, because of the contract law of our country, there is no explicit stipulation of the reservation contract system. Therefore, there are a lot of disputes in theory and judicial practice. It is urgent to strengthen the legal research, improve the effectiveness of the contract of commercial housing reservation and the liability for breach of contract. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part. Put forward the problem, combined with the current legislation and judicial practice, focusing on the current commercial housing reservation contract defects for the following specific discussion to lay the foundation. The second part, the basic theory of the commercial house reservation contract. Mainly includes the changes of the reservation contract and the theoretical basis of the reservation contract of commercial housing, including the concept of freedom of contract and the concept of good faith. Mainly includes the discrimination with the subscription letter of intent, with the pre-sale contract, with the conditional contract differentiation. 4th part, the effectiveness of the commercial housing reservation contract, the main introduction must be negotiated, should be concluded. The content decision theory is regarded as this contract theory. Combined with the legislation and judicial practice of our country, the author puts forward the combination of subjective and objective theory, and proves the legitimacy of the theory. Part 5th, the responsibility of breach of contract of the commercial house reservation contract. Including continued performance and damage liability. For the way to continue to perform, we should start from the perspective of subjective interpretation theory, first explore the subjective meaning of commercial housing buyers and sellers, distinguish the different situations. As for the scope of damages should be defined in the scope of trust interests, generally should not include opportunity interests. In addition, considering that the commercial housing contract is an anonymous contract. We should also apply the relevant provisions of the General provisions of contract Law, so this article thinks that the liability of deposit and liquidated damages should also be applied to the booking of commercial housing. 6th, conclusion. The author puts forward his own ideas and suggestions on the validity of the contract and the liability for breach of contract.


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