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发布时间:2018-01-29 12:56

  本文关键词: 房地产业 商业银行 博弈分析 因子分析 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:博弈论是研究决策主体间相互作用后的决策行为及其均衡问题的分析工具,作为数学分支,其功能在于运用数学模型研究对抗环境下决策个体的最优策略。经过半个多世纪的发展,博弈论才越来越多的运用到经济、管理、军事、生物等领域。运用博弈的分析方法研究房地产业与商业银行之间的关系不仅在方法上更加新颖,而且在内容上十分可行。 我国房地产业的发展到现在不过30多年,但是在整个国民经济发展中却起到了举足轻重的作用,由房地产业带动的建筑、金融、制造、服务等其他相关产业所形成的产值远远超过房地产业占GDP的比重。商业银行作为金融市场的主要参与者,与普通老百姓的生活息息相关,在我国的国民经济中同样起到了十分重要的作用。这两个领域的发展程度直接决定了一个国家的整体发展水平。 但是我国房地产产业普遍存在投资规模巨大、开发周期长、融资渠道狭窄、直接融资成本远远高于间接融资成本等特征,所以造成了我国房地产企业严重依赖商业银行的现状。与此同时,商业银行又将房地产产业作为自身投资的一个良好场所。从博弈的视角来看,总体经济形势良好之时,房地产业与银行之间的博弈均衡点是房地产企业申请贷款和银行发放贷款,因为此时对于双方来说都会实现效用和利润的最大化,房地产企业可以从高房价中获取高利润,银行可以从大量贷款中获得巨额利息,双方形成一种共赢的局面。 为了构建博弈模型,本文分别从房地产业和商业银行两个方面假定了不同的参数,比如用R表示房地产企业申请得到贷款后的投资收益,表示房地产企业申请贷款的成本和r表示商业银行的贷款利率等。区别于以往在此领域运用博弈分析方法的不同,本文特别将单次博弈和重复博弈以及经济良好时的博弈和经济不佳时的博弈划分开单独推算,最后得到各个的博弈均衡,做到了不同情况之下的不同判别。得出的结论是:在单次博弈中,不论经济形势如何,商业银行是否发放贷款都与贷款本金W、贷款利率r和好的房地产企业的概率(P和P(/))。至于房地产企业就需要分情况讨论,在经济形势良好的情况下,所有的房地产企业不考虑任何因素均会选择贷款;在经济形势不佳的情况下,好的房地产企业会考虑投资收益R、贷款本金W、贷款利率r、贷款成本和商业银行发放贷款的概率Y,差的房地产企业只考虑投资收益R、贷款成本、造假成本和商业银行发放贷款的概率Y。在重复博弈中,房地产企业与商业银行的博弈次数越多,房地产企业归还贷款和利息的可能性就越大。 本文最后还从CSMAR财经数据库和国家统计年鉴中选取了1998-2011年的实证数据,运用因子分析的方法,根据我国实际情况从不同层面选择了11个代表性指标。找到了在确定房地产企业的策略选择之后,影响我国商业银行发放贷款的因素,即房地产企业的国内贷款规模和一年至三年期的贷款利率。研究结果显示,两者的博弈关系明晰,当房地产企业贷款规模过大,商业银行的流动性、安全性和盈利性受到威胁,银行势必会缩小贷款规模,调整贷款利率,一方面为规避自身的风险,另一方面对房地产企业的决策判断造成影响,,房地产企业就会重新选择贷款规模,如此往复。同时联系我国实际情况,有针对性的对两者提出发展和管理的建议及策略。
[Abstract]:Game theory is the analysis tool of the decision - making behavior and the equilibrium problem after the interaction between the decision - making bodies . As the mathematical branch , the function is to use the mathematical model to study the optimal strategy of the decision - making individual under the environment . After more than half a century of development , the game theory is more and more applied to the fields of economy , management , military affairs and biology . The development of real estate industry in China is now more than 30 years , but plays an important role in the development of national economy . The output value of other related industries , such as construction , finance , manufacturing and service , which is driven by the real estate industry , is far more than that of real estate . Commercial banks , as the main players in financial markets , play a very important role in the national economy of our country . The degree of development in these two areas directly determines the overall development level of a country . However , the real estate industry of our country has large investment scale , long development period , narrow financing channel , and the direct financing cost is much higher than that of indirect financing cost . At the same time , commercial banks also use the real estate industry as a good place for their own investment . At the same time , the game equilibrium between real estate industry and the bank is a good place for real estate enterprises to apply for loans and bank loans . In order to build a game model , this paper assumes different parameters from two aspects of real estate industry and commercial bank . In the end of this paper , the empirical data from 1998 to 2011 is selected from the CSMAR financial database and the National Statistical Yearbook , and 11 representative indexes are selected from different levels according to the actual situation of the real estate enterprises . The results show that the loan size of the real estate enterprise and the loan interest rate of one year to three years are clear .



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