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发布时间:2018-01-31 16:26

  本文关键词: 房价 实体经济 工资 资本流动 利率 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China's real estate industry and the rapid development of the real economy such as manufacturing but weak growth, causal relationship may exist between them. The labor and capital factor is economic growth and development in the most basic and important, so this paper analysis on the price of labor and capital and the relationship between the elements of the theoretical and Empirical Study on effects of high the price of the real economy. The model results show that China's housing prices will be re allocation of labor and capital factors: prices will push up the price of labor and capital prices, and the labor force and capital from the real economy to the real estate sector. Then, we use panel data of China's provinces and cities the autonomous region, respectively, for different types of housing prices and labor prices and wages, the relationship between investment and non real estate investment and real estate prices and interest rates between the The empirical research results showed: firstly, effects of different types of housing prices to wages are not the same, with respect to the types of residential housing sales price, influence of office buildings and shops selling prices to wages is not statistically significant; secondly, relative to the per capita GDP, third industry development degree on the wage level the impact of prices brought about lower wages, but from the real estate industry belongs to the third industry, the rapid development or irrational prosperity is still possible by raising the prices of non tradable goods to trade a wage thrust. Furthermore, the empirical capital factor, the measurement results show that the rise in prices will be accompanied by the real estate investment expansion, it will indirectly lift market interest rates, which have a negative impact on the real economy in the non real estate investment; finally, real estate Investment expansion will boost investment in related industries in the short term, but in the long run, it will squeeze non real estate investment, real estate investment will directly occupy the social financing amount. The results of theoretical and empirical analysis, based on this view, to actively control the real estate market, pay attention to the impact of the real estate market and the overheated investment the real economy, cautious due to price caused by the rising labor and capital "mismatch of resources", affect the real economy, and finally endanger the development of the overall economy.



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