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发布时间:2018-02-03 13:16

  本文关键词: 房地产 房价 市场需求 呼和浩特市 出处:《内蒙古大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国房地产业经过二十多年的发展,已是国民经济的重大支柱产业,其对国家经济的贡献巨大。然而,近几年来我国房价上涨迅速,区域性房价不断走高,涨幅远远大于经济增长的总体水平,以及其它生产及服务性行业的上涨水平。房价的快速上涨不仅制约普通居民居住权益的实现,吞噬了中产阶级的“中国梦”,也影响国民经济的健康发展和社会的和谐稳定。 目前,我国正在迎来新一轮城镇化浪潮,随着城镇居民数量的增加,居民对房屋的“刚需”将持续攀升。在商品房作为我国住房需求的主要满足渠道,以及在现有住房保障体系并不完善的条件下,将进一步激化我国房地产市场的供给与需求的矛盾。作为内蒙古首府,呼和浩特市城镇化所带来的商品房供需失衡问题也很突出,商品性住房与保障性住房结构不合理,经济适用房、限价房的开发率仅仅维持在政策的强制控制线上,缺乏对保障性功能用房的弹性供应。因此,在此背景下,深入研究呼和浩特市商品住宅市场显得很必要。 本文分析了呼和浩特市房地产业的现状,包括其投资持续增长、成交量持续上涨、市场交易以存量房为主、成交价格上涨较快、消费意愿强烈、市场投资潜力巨大。同时还分析了呼和浩特市房地产业存在的问题,即市场供求双方非理性行为突出;地价和房价虚高;市场产品高端过剩、低端不足;政府管理机制不完善,房地产业政策法规体系完备度差;房地产供求矛盾十分突出;房地产市场运行协调、监管体系不完善;房地产业内部垄断现象严重等。 根据呼和浩特市房地产市场的上述现状和问题,并结合其实际情况提出了对策建议。第一,提高软件管理水平,实现房产管理现代化。第二,完善保障房制度,形成呼和浩特市有效的住房保障体系。第三,房地产企业要创品牌重营销,谋求自身发展。第四,探索金融渠道,进行融资创新。最后,完善土地政策,推动呼和浩特市房地产市场健康持续发展。
[Abstract]:After more than 20 years of development, the real estate industry in China has become a major pillar industry of the national economy, which has made a great contribution to the national economy. However, in recent years, the housing prices in our country are rising rapidly, and the regional housing prices are constantly rising. The increase is far greater than the overall level of economic growth and other production and service industries. The rapid rise in house prices not only restricts the realization of residential rights and interests of ordinary residents. "Chinese Dream", which engulfed the middle class, also affected the healthy development of the national economy and social harmony and stability. At present, China is ushered in a new wave of urbanization, with the increase of the number of urban residents, residents'"rigid demand" for housing will continue to climb. And in the existing housing security system is not perfect conditions, will further intensify the supply and demand of the real estate market in China, as the capital of Inner Mongolia. Hohhot urbanization brought about by the supply and demand imbalance of commercial housing is also very prominent, commercial housing and affordable housing structure is unreasonable, comfortable housing. The development rate of the price limited house is only maintained on the compulsory control line of the policy, and the flexible supply of the guarantee function house is lacking. Therefore, under this background, it is necessary to deeply study the commodity housing market in Hohhot city. This paper analyzes the current situation of the real estate industry in Hohhot, including the sustained growth of its investment, the sustained increase in trading volume, the market transactions mainly in the stock of housing, the rapid increase in transaction prices, strong consumer will. The market investment potential is huge. At the same time, the problems of the real estate industry in Hohhot are analyzed, that is, the irrational behavior of market supply and demand is prominent. Land price and house price are false; The market product high end surplus, the low end insufficiency; The government management mechanism is not perfect, and the system of policies and regulations of real estate industry is not perfect; The contradiction between supply and demand of real estate is very prominent; The real estate market runs harmoniously, the supervision system is not perfect; The real estate industry internal monopoly phenomenon is serious and so on. According to the present situation and problems of Huhhot real estate market, and combined with its actual situation, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. First, improve the level of software management, realize the modernization of real estate management. Perfect indemnificatory apartment system, form an effective housing security system in Hohhot. Third, real estate enterprises should create brand re-marketing, seek for their own development. 4th, explore financial channels, financing innovation. Finally. Improve land policy and promote the healthy and sustainable development of Huhhot real estate market.


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