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发布时间:2018-02-10 03:55

  本文关键词: 景观设计 PEST分析 服务营销组合 出处:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着中国城市化进程的加快以及房地产事业的迅猛发展,景观设计行业也呈现出一片蓬勃发展的景象。作为新兴行业,景观设计公司具有很大的发展空间与利润空间,因此各种各样的景观设计公司如雨后春笋大量兴起,市场竞争日趋激烈。如何在竞争激烈的景观设计市场中占有一席之地并处于领先地位,除了拥有优秀的设计师团队、先进的设计理念与管理制度以外,营销策略也是非常重要的,它关乎于一个企业的生存与发展。 本文以深圳市迈丘景观规划设计公司为研究对象,通过对迈丘公司内外环境的分析,在对市场进行细分的基础上,确定了企业的目标市场并对市场进行了定位,然后在此基础上制定了公司的服务营销组合策略,即从产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员、有形展示、过程这7个可控因素出发制定了企业的营销策略,尤其是对其中的“人员”的策略做了详细阐述。为了保证营销策略的有效实施,本文从管理好外部客户与打造内部的优秀团队的两个方面对营销策略的保障措施进行了详细阐述。 本文的研究意义是通过对深圳市迈丘景观规划设计公司的营销策略的分析研究,对该公司而言,总结出一条适合企业自身发展阶段又与内外环境相适应的营销策略,从而为以后开辟内地及海外市场提供可供借鉴或复制的模式;对于整个景观设计行业而言,也希望本研究的结果可以为与迈丘景观规划设计公司类似的公司的发展提供参考,并为整个行业的良性竞争发展提供一些有益的帮助与借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of China's urbanization process and the rapid development of real estate industry, landscape design industry also presents a scene of vigorous development. As a new industry, landscape design companies have a lot of development space and profit space. Therefore, a variety of landscape design companies are springing up in large numbers, and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. How to take a place and be in a leading position in the highly competitive landscape design market, in addition to having a good team of designers, Besides advanced design concept and management system, marketing strategy is also very important, which is related to the survival and development of an enterprise. Based on the analysis of the internal and external environment of Shenzhen Maiqiu Landscape Planning and Design Company, and on the basis of subdividing the market, the target market of the enterprise is determined and the market positioning is carried out in this paper. Then, the company's service marketing mix strategy is formulated on this basis, that is, from the product, price, channel, promotion, personnel, tangible display, process these seven controllable factors to formulate the enterprise's marketing strategy. In particular, the strategy of "personnel" is elaborated in detail. In order to ensure the effective implementation of marketing strategy, This paper expounds the safeguard measures of marketing strategy from two aspects of managing external customers well and building internal excellent team. The research significance of this paper is to analyze and study the marketing strategy of Shenzhen Maiqiu Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd., and to sum up a marketing strategy suitable for the enterprise's own development stage and the internal and external environment. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the development of similar companies in the landscape planning and design company of Maiqiu, for the whole landscape design industry, so as to provide a model for the future development of the mainland and overseas markets, and for the whole landscape design industry, we hope that the results of this study can provide a reference for the development of similar companies. And for the healthy development of the industry to provide some useful help and reference.


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