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发布时间:2018-02-12 03:31

  本文关键词: 房地产抵押评估 收益法 时代大厦 净收益 折现率 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和金融体制的改革,我国国有商业银行从过去的以信用贷款为主的模式转向了以抵押贷款为主的模式。通过资产抵押来融通资金成为了银行业、资金需求方之间业务往来的重要内容。抵押贷款制度已成为商业银行保全资产、防范风险及风险缓释的重要举措。抵押资产价值评估也成为了客观需要,它对维护金融机构信贷资产安全和维护金融市场的健康发展发挥了重要作用。对于房地产抵押价值评估,特别是收益性房地产,收益法是首选的、不可或缺的评估方法。如何把握收益法的运用过程中对净收益和折现率这两个参数的选择,使用收益法对抵押房地产进行评估并提供有说服力的结果是现实中亟待解决的重要课题。 文章首先简单地介绍了国内外关于抵押资产价值评估和收益法方面的主要文献、房地产抵押评估方面和收益法方面的相关理论。重点分析了抵押评估中价值类型的选择,以及收益法应用过程中三个参数的确定。基于收益法,对收益性抵押房地产评估案例黄冈市时代大厦进行了具体分析,包括影响其评估价值的一般因素、区域因素以及土地及建筑物的个别因素。然后建立时间序列方程预测有效毛收入,用有效毛收入减去运营费用确定净收益;引入安全利率加风险调整法的的数学模式和系数取得方式,确定折现率;确定收益年限后,,选择适合的收益法公式对时代大厦的商业部分和住宅部分的评估价值进行分别计算,最后得出时代大厦房地产的抵押价值。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's socialist market economy and the reform of the financial system, The state-owned commercial banks of our country have changed from the mode of credit loan to the mode of mortgage loan in the past. Through the asset mortgage, the financing has become the banking industry. The mortgage loan system has become an important measure for commercial banks to preserve assets, prevent risks and slow release of risks. The evaluation of the value of mortgage assets has also become an objective need. It plays an important role in maintaining the security of credit assets of financial institutions and maintaining the healthy development of the financial market. How to grasp the choice of the two parameters of net income and discount rate in the application of income method, Using income method to evaluate mortgage real estate and provide convincing results is an important subject to be solved. Firstly, the paper briefly introduces the main literature about the value evaluation of mortgage assets and income method, the theory of real estate mortgage evaluation and income method, and analyzes the choice of value types in mortgage assessment. And the determination of three parameters in the application of income method. Based on income method, the paper analyzes the case of income mortgage real estate evaluation in Huanggang City, including the general factors that affect its evaluation value. Regional factors and individual factors of land and buildings. Then the time series equation is established to predict the effective gross income, and the net income is determined by the effective gross income minus the operating cost. The mathematical model and coefficient acquisition method of the safe interest rate plus risk adjustment method is introduced to determine the discount rate, and the appropriate income method formula is selected to calculate the evaluation value of the commercial part and the residential part of the time Building, respectively. Finally, the real estate mortgage value of the time Building.


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