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发布时间:2018-02-12 16:32

  本文关键词: 房屋买卖 居间人 如实告知义务 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The obligation to inform truthfully is of great significance in the intermediary system. It is an important legal means to correct the asymmetry of information, and it is also the basic requirement of the principle of good faith for the intermediary to fulfill his contractual obligations. With the rapid development of the real estate market, The disputes caused by the intermediary's failure to fulfill the obligation to inform truthfully are increasing. In addition, the judicial practice circles have regard to the standard of truth-telling content and the type of information truthfully informed. Views differ as to whether the intermediary should have the obligation to investigate and verify and whether the intermediary should bear civil liability. As a result, the current legal system is difficult to regulate social life. Civil and commercial law scholars pay more attention to the truthful duty of informing the insured and the insured in the Insurance Law. However, there is little interest in the truth-telling obligation of the intermediary. This paper uses the empirical research method and the case analysis method to study the standard of the truthful disclosure obligation of the broker, and the degree to which the truthful informing obligation is fulfilled. From the perspectives of law, law and economics, law hermeneutics, and so on, to perfect the system of truthful disclosure obligation of housing intermediary, in order to reveal the true connotation of Article 425 of contract Law on the realistic level, this paper analyzes the three levels of responsibility of violating the obligation to inform truthfully, from the perspective of law, law and hermeneutics. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into five parts: the first part: the definition of relevant concepts. Based on judicial practice, the author clearly defines the concept and classification of housing buyers and sellers. The concept and nature of the truthful disclosure obligation of a housing intermediary, and the delineation of the scope of the study in this article, shall be restricted to those who provide real estate information and intermediary business to the trustor, and who have the main nature of being a legal person or an unincorporated organization, The second part: the necessity of establishing the truthful disclosure obligation of the intermediary. From the angle of economics and law, the author reveals the factual basis and the legal basis of the intermediary's truthful obligation to inform. And through the construction of intermediary game model to reveal the role of truthful disclosure obligation to overcome market failure and highlight the legal status of truthful disclosure obligations. Part three: the analysis of the present situation of truthful disclosure obligations of intermediaries. The author adopts the empirical analysis method. To carry on horizontal and vertical comparative analysis of the legal norms and judicial cases concerning the truth-telling obligation of the intermediary, Part 4th: the framework of the system of truthful disclosure of the intermediary. The author applies the principle of hermeneutics to define the standard of the content of truthful notification. To summarize the types of information that are truthfully communicated, Defining the extent of truthful notification and the way to fulfill the obligation of truthful notification enrich the existing institutional framework. Part 5th: responsibility for violating the obligation of truthful informing. The obligation of truthful notification of a person, Analyzing the responsibility of violating the obligation to inform truthfully, from the pattern of responsibility of violating the obligation to inform truthfully, the nature of the responsibility, This paper analyzes the liability system of housing buyers and sellers from four aspects of responsibility distribution and exemption. Focusing on the nature of the liability for damages that the broker fails to fulfill the obligation of informing truthfully and the nature of the liability of the intermediary and the relative party. And concludes that liability for damage should be resolved within the framework of liability for breach of contract, The principle of relativity of contract should be strictly observed in the distribution of responsibility.


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