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发布时间:2018-02-15 09:56

  本文关键词: 别墅类房地产 价值评估 评估方法 报酬率 出处:《天津商业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:市场经济的不断发展,使得与房地产相关的产业交易也越来越发达,房地产业的发展,催生了房地产评估行业的发展,房地产评估是指专业评估人员以及专业评估机构遵循一定的评估法律法规规范,以及一定的评估原则,基于自身的专业知识以及经验的积累来对房地产进行专业的价值评估。房地产价值评估包括对土地的评估、对房屋构筑物的评估,整体资产中的房地产和以房地产为主的整体资产的评估,以及将土地及地上建筑整体作为评估对象进行评估等,本文以房地产整体作为评估对象进行评估。 目前房地产价值评估的主要方法包括市场比较法、收益法、成本法三大主要评估方法,同时还包括假设开发法、长期趋势法、路线价法、基准地价法等方法,这几种方法都是三大主要方法的派生,各评估方法在评估中所依据的理论不尽相同,评估思路存在差异,同时其适用范围也有所差别,故而评估结果也不完全相同。本文通过对房地产评估理论以及评估方法的系统分析,考虑估价对象相关因素,结合估价对象市场状况,选取了适合的估价方法。 本文选取天津开发区XX路XX号的部分别墅作为评估对象,该案例具有评估价值大、估价对象数量多、评估实务复杂等特点,本文对于该案例评估进行了全程的研究分析,通过对有关评估对象相关资料的搜集整理,根据评估目的,本案例估价目的为公开市场交易价值,选取了市场比较法以及收益法对评估对象进行评估测算,通过分析市场状况,分别赋予市场法以及收益法不同的权重来求取估价结果,针对目前房地产市场较为活跃的特点,尤其是本案例位于开发区核心地带,加上其为别墅类地产,故而市场法能更为准确的反映其价值,故赋予市场法较大权重。市场法中修正系数的取值以及收益法中报酬率的取值是评估中的难点,在取值时要充分依据客观资料来进行,本文在案例分析中对于市场法中修正系数的取值,收益法中报酬率的取值做了深度分析,同时结合案例对于别墅类房地产在具体评估作业中评估思路的梳理、评估方法的选择,评估中应注意的问题做出了总结分析。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the market economy, the real estate related industrial transactions are becoming more and more developed. The development of the real estate industry has given birth to the development of the real estate evaluation industry. Real estate evaluation refers to professional appraisers and professional evaluation organizations following certain evaluation laws and regulations, as well as certain evaluation principles. Professional valuation of real estate based on its own expertise and experience. Real estate valuation includes evaluation of land, evaluation of housing structures, The real estate in the whole assets and the whole assets based on the real estate are evaluated, and the whole land and the above ground buildings are taken as the evaluation objects, and so on. The whole real estate is taken as the evaluation object in this paper. At present, the main methods of real estate value evaluation include market comparison method, income method and cost method. At the same time, they also include hypothetical development method, long-term trend method, route price method, benchmark land price method and so on. These methods are derived from the three main methods, and each evaluation method is based on different theories, and there are differences in the evaluation ideas, and the scope of its application is also different. Therefore, the evaluation results are not the same. Through the systematic analysis of the real estate evaluation theory and evaluation method, considering the relevant factors of the valuation object, combined with the market situation of the valuation object, this paper selects the suitable valuation method. In this paper, some villas of XX Road, Tianjin Development Zone, are selected as evaluation objects. This case has the characteristics of large evaluation value, large number of valuation objects and complex evaluation practice. According to the purpose of evaluation, the purpose of this case is to evaluate the value of open market transactions. The market comparative method and income method are selected to evaluate and calculate the evaluation object, and the market situation is analyzed. The market approach and the income approach are given different weights to obtain the valuation results. In view of the current characteristics of the more active real estate market, especially this case is located in the core of the development zone, plus it is a villa real estate. Therefore, the market method can reflect its value more accurately, so it gives the market method a large weight. The value of the correction coefficient in the market method and the value of the return rate in the income method are the difficulties in the evaluation. This paper makes a deep analysis of the value of the correction coefficient in the market method and the return value of the income method in the case analysis. At the same time, combining with the case study, the author combs the evaluation ideas and the selection of the evaluation method for the villa real estate in the concrete evaluation operation. The problems that should be paid attention to in the evaluation are summarized and analyzed.


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