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发布时间:2018-02-15 12:22

  本文关键词: 整合营销沟通 品牌 渠道 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2012年,由于国家对房地产和基础建设的调控,中国市场的卡车产销量都出现了较大程度的下滑,进口品牌卡车的销量逆势小幅度增长理性的投资环境下,中国市场消费者对高质量和高效率的重视给进口品牌卡车提供了一个机会和一个更大的舞台 消费者不再简单的只注重购车成本,而是把购车看做是一种投资,并看重投资回报率消费者的观念变化会对市场造成了巨大的影响,成为推动市场调整的源动力 进入21世纪,,随着信息技术的高速发簪发展,沟通工具和媒体有了创新性的变化,沟通手段和渠道不断的扩大,营销沟通对市场的影响力也逐渐扩大多元化的营销工具和渠道也随着市场的变化而不断发展并广泛的应用到越来越多的产品和行业上 本文希望通过对整合营销沟通的研究和分析对梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车在激烈的竞争市场及变化的市场环境中,如何更有效地使用所有沟通工具达到更好的营销沟通效果提出合理化的建议及实施策略 在撰写本文的过程中笔者参考了国内外学者近些年来对整个营销沟通的研究文献,借鉴了主流的研究理论,结合梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车在中国市场的营销实例,对整合营销沟通在进口品牌卡车公司的实践进行了探索文中通过公司运营实例,探讨了数据库客户评价客户接触点渠道和营销沟通的效果测量的实践意义及策略 在竞争日趋激烈的进口卡车中,梅赛德斯-奔驰希望以整合营销沟通的策略为支持,整合所有内外部资源,从客户的需求和期望入手,以期能够更好的为中国市场的客户提供更优质的产品和服务,并在激烈的竞争中继续保持进而扩大自身的竞争优势
[Abstract]:In 2012, due to the state regulation of the real estate and infrastructure construction, truck production and sales China market have a greater degree of decline, imported brands of truck sales contrarian small increase rational investment environment, China market of consumers for high quality and high efficiency as provides an opportunity and a bigger the stage for imported brand truck
Consumers no longer simply focus on the cost of buying cars, but regard buying cars as an investment, and pay much attention to the rate of return on investment. The change of consumers' attitudes will have a huge impact on the market and become the driving force of market adjustment.
Entered in twenty-first Century, along with the rapid development of information technology development, communication tools and media have changed the innovation, communication means and channels to expand marketing communication, the influence on the market is gradually expanding diversified marketing tools and channels are also changing with the market development and widely applied to more and more products and industry on
This paper hopes to research and analysis of integrated marketing communication for Mercedes Benz truck in a competitive market and drastic changes in the market environment, and put forward reasonable suggestions on how to effectively use all communication tools to achieve better marketing effectiveness and implementation strategy
The research literature in the course of writing this article the author reference the domestic and foreign scholars in recent years on the whole marketing communication, a reference to the research of the mainstream theory, combined with the Mercedes Benz truck in China marketing for example, integrated marketing communication of the company's operations through examples in the practice of imported brands of the Truck Company, and the practical significance discussion on the strategy of customer evaluation database of customer channels and marketing communication effect measurement points of contact
In the increasingly fierce competition of imported truck, Mercedes Benz hope for support to integrated marketing communication strategy, integrate all internal and external resources, starting from the needs and expectations of the customers to provide more quality products and services in order to better serve China market customers, and continue to maintain and expand its competitive advantage in the in the fierce competition



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