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发布时间:2018-02-20 18:07

  本文关键词: 房地产供给 土地资源配置 房地产业 经济下行压力 体制转变 需求变动 大城市 探底回升 一线城市 商品房价格  出处:《财经界》2016年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The new policy of the real estate market should not stop at resorting to short-term control measures to solve the outstanding contradictions, but should change the current "one track" administrative monopoly supply system to the "one main multi-auxiliary" system between the government and the market through supply-side reform. By increasing the role of market mechanisms in the allocation of land resources to substantially enhance the resilience of real estate supply to changes in demand, under the background of digesting excess inventory of real estate, it has become a priority of China's economic policy. The recent surge in property prices in a handful of big cities has aroused widespread concern. A rebound in the property market was supposed to help ease the downward pressure on the economy. However, the excessive rise in property prices does more harm than good to the development of real estate industry and the recovery of macroeconomic bottom. The cognitive value of the new round of property price changes lies in its near-natural experiment, which once again indicates that the traditional administrative monopoly land supply system is not conducive to Chinese housing.
【作者单位】: 北京大学国家发展研究院;


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