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发布时间:2018-02-24 05:44

  本文关键词: 存量房 政策工具 调控 政策评估 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文的研究的核心问题是在我国存量房市场中,存在着哪些政策工具,各个政策工具调控效果如何。 本研究认为:存量房市场中的经济性政策工具也即市场手段,是依照房地产经济运行规律来调整经济利益的工具;行政性工具是指房地产管理机构运用行政力量,采取发布行政性命令、指令、条例、规范等措施对存量房市场进行直接干预的政策工具;政治性工具则是从国家安全和政局稳定的角度对存量房市场进行的宏观调控的政策工具。 通过效率、公平和可操作性三位一体的政策评价指标对三大政策工具分别加以评估后,发现:我国存量房市场中经济性政策工具的调控效率不高,较为公平且具有一定的可操作性;行政性工具的短期收效不明显但长期效果良好,效率低下,会产生区域不公平而且可操作性不佳;政治性工具则是见效快、效率高具有很强的可操作性,但很大程度上破坏了政策的公平性。同时,我国存量房市场中政策工具选择是遵循了效率和强制性不断增强的发展路径,但不同政策工具,其演变的逻辑性动因存有差异。基于此,,本文致力于使政策能够更好地发挥对存量房市场的供需调节作用,规范我国存量房市场行为,完善房地产制度。
[Abstract]:The core problem of this paper is which policy tools exist in the stock house market of our country, and how to control the effect of each policy tool. This study holds that: the economic policy tool in the stock housing market, that is, the market means, is a tool to adjust economic benefits according to the laws of real estate economic operation; the administrative tool refers to the use of administrative power by real estate management agencies. Adopting administrative orders, directives, regulations, norms and other measures to directly intervene the stock housing market policy tools; Political tool is the policy tool of macro-control of stock house market from the angle of national security and political stability. Through the evaluation of the three policy tools in the trinity of efficiency, fairness and maneuverability, it is found that the regulation and control efficiency of the economic policy tools in the stock housing market in China is not high. The short-term effect of the administrative tool is not obvious, but the long-term effect is good, the efficiency is low, the region is unfair and the operation is not good; the political tool has the quick effect. High efficiency has strong maneuverability, but it destroys the fairness of policy to a great extent. At the same time, the choice of policy tools in stock housing market of our country follows the development path of efficiency and compulsion, but different policy tools. Based on this, this paper is devoted to making the policy play a better role in regulating the supply and demand of the stock housing market, standardizing the behavior of the stock house market in our country, and perfecting the real estate system.


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