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发布时间:2018-02-26 17:23

  本文关键词: 建筑施工 项目经理 绩效管理 出处:《长安大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着改革开放进行,中国经济得到长足的发展,房地产企业也得到迅猛的发展,建筑施工项目也越来越多,建筑施工企业间的竞争更为激烈,建筑施工项目经理也越来越多。建筑施工项目经理建筑施工项目的实际负责人,是整个项目的管理者,其工作更显重要。为了适应如今激烈的竞争环境,促使建筑施工企业得到更好地发展,为企业创造更多的利润,应当提高建筑施工项目经理的工作能力和管理水平。 为了提高建筑施工项目经理的工作能力和管理水平,应当加强对项目经理的绩效管理工作,这样能够很好的引导、督促建筑施工项目经理按时按量的完成项目计划,降低成本,为企业创造更大利益;此外,还能达到培养优秀人才、选拔优秀人才、留住优秀人才、吸引优秀人才的作用,为企业的发展提供源源不断的优秀人才,提高建筑施工企业在项目上项目管理能力。因此,应当深入研究建筑施工项目经理的绩效管理,实现提高建筑施工项目经理的管理能力和水平,达到提高企业生产能力,创造更多利润的目的。 结合项目管理和绩效管理的相关理论,参照国内外对建筑施工项目经理的绩效管理的研究,分析了建筑施工项目经理绩效管理现状,,指出了存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议。通过对建筑施工项目经理工作的分析,依照建筑施工项目经理的岗位职责与能力要求,确定出建筑施工项目经理绩效考评的重点。构建了建筑施工项目经理绩效管理体系,确定绩效目标,制定了绩效计划,拟定绩效考核主体,并实施绩效辅导沟通,进而构建了绩效评价体系,给出了绩效结果的反馈、绩效结果的申诉及处理的方法和步骤,还提出了绩效改进计划和绩效结果应用思路。最后,在建筑施工项目经理绩效管理中应用,检验其效性,指导建筑施工项目经理绩效管理与工作实践,并为建筑施工项目经理绩效管理的推广打下基础。
[Abstract]:With the development of reform and opening up, the Chinese economy has developed rapidly, the real estate enterprises have also developed rapidly, more and more construction projects have been carried out, and the competition among the construction enterprises has become more intense. There are also more and more construction project managers. The actual person in charge of the construction project is the manager of the whole project, and its work is even more important. In order to adapt to today's fierce competition environment, In order to promote the development of construction enterprises and create more profits for them, the working ability and management level of construction project managers should be improved. In order to improve the working ability and management level of the construction project manager, the performance management work of the project manager should be strengthened, so as to guide the construction project manager and urge the construction project manager to finish the project plan on time and on time. To reduce costs and create greater benefits for the enterprise; in addition, it can also achieve the purpose of training outstanding talents, selecting outstanding talents, retaining outstanding talents, attracting outstanding talents, and providing a continuous stream of outstanding talents for the development of enterprises. Therefore, we should deeply study the performance management of the construction project manager, realize the improvement of the management ability and level of the construction project manager, and increase the production capacity of the enterprise. The purpose of creating more profits. Based on the relevant theories of project management and performance management, and referring to the research on performance management of construction project managers at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the present situation of performance management of construction project managers, and points out the existing problems. Through the analysis of the work of the construction project manager, according to the post responsibility and ability requirements of the construction project manager, The key points of performance appraisal of construction project manager are determined. The performance management system of construction project manager is established, the performance goal is determined, the performance plan is drawn up, the main body of performance appraisal is drawn up, and the communication of performance guidance is carried out. Then the performance evaluation system is constructed, the feedback of the performance result, the complaint of the performance result and the methods and steps to deal with the performance result are given, and the performance improvement plan and the application thought of the performance result are also put forward. It is used in the performance management of construction project manager to test its validity, to guide the performance management and work practice of construction project manager, and to lay a foundation for the promotion of performance management of construction project manager.


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