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发布时间:2018-02-28 13:50

  本文关键词: 房地产行业 盈余管理 非应税会计-税收收益差异 避税动机 出处:《财政部财政科学研究所》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“盈余管理”一词自19世纪在国外诞生以来,并没有褒贬之义。事实上,适当的盈余管理有利于提高会计信息质量,使会计盈余信息更能反映公司的经济价值,而在我国新兴加转型的经济环境下,盈余管理有更复杂的动机,存在被一些上市公司滥用的现象,从而降低了会计信息质量,严重影响了市场的资源优化配置功能。因此,在我国资本市场环境下研究盈余管理的形成机制,有利于相关各方提出标本兼治的解决办法,最终促进我国资本市场的改善和提高。 本文通过对财政部关于2008年-2011年会计信息质量检查公告进行汇总后发现,房地产行业始终是财政部进行会计信息年检的重点行业,其进行盈余管理的重要手段包括少计收入及成本费用、平滑净利润、预收账款挂账、偷税漏税等。其中,避税动机一直是房地产行业进行盈余管理的主要目的。 已有实证文献也多次证明,我国上市公司普遍存在盈余管理行为。但是,对于特定行业的盈余管理实证研究文章较少。而房地产行业一直以来是一个关系国计民生的重要支柱性行业,其盈余管理程度如何?房地产行业主要基于什么样的动机来进行盈余管理呢?对于这两个问题的解答不仅具有重要的理论意义,同时也具有非常鲜明的现实意义。 本文共分为六部分: 第一部分:引言。该部分阐述了作者的选题背景与意义、研究内容和方法。 第二部分:文献综述。这部分从国内外两个角度分别阐述了盈余管理文献综述和会计-应税收益差异研究文献综述。 第三部分:盈余管理的理论分析。这部分首先阐述盈余管理的概念、特征和类型;其次阐述了盈余管理产生的理论基础、盈余管理的主要方法及其市场后果;最后论述了房地产行业盈余管理的特点和动机。 第四部分:会计-应税收益差异的理论分析。该部分由会计-应税收益差异产生的因素、会计-应税收益差异与盈余管理两部分组成。 第五部分:房地产业盈余管理及其避税动机的实证研究,本部分运用扩展的琼斯模型、非应税会计-税收收益差异的测度模型和盈余管理的避税动机研究模型,验证了以下假设: 假设一:2008至2009年房地产行业受金融危机影响业绩下滑,倾向于进行正向的盈余管理;而在房价疯涨的2010至2011年,房地产行业为规避过度的社会关注和政府宏观调控倾向于采用负向的盈余管理递延会计盈余; 假设二:2008-2009年,非应税会计-税收收益差异与盈余管理显著正相关,即房地产行业基于避税动机进行盈余管理。 第六部分:研究结论和政策建议。该部分包括研究结论、政策建议和进一步研究方向三个子部分。
[Abstract]:The term "earnings management" has been born in foreign countries since 19th century. In fact, proper earnings management can improve the quality of accounting information and reflect the economic value of the company. However, in the new economic environment of our country, earnings management has more complicated motivation and exists the phenomenon of abuse by some listed companies, which reduces the quality of accounting information and seriously affects the function of optimizing the allocation of resources in the market. To study the formation mechanism of earnings management in the capital market environment of our country is helpful for all parties concerned to put forward a solution to the problem and finally promote the improvement and improvement of China's capital market. By summarizing the announcement of the Ministry of Finance on the quality inspection of accounting information from 2008 to 2011, this paper finds that the real estate industry is always the key industry for the annual inspection of accounting information by the Ministry of Finance. The important means of earnings management include underaccounting income and cost, smoothing net profit, suspending accounts in advance, evading taxes and so on, among which, tax avoidance motive is the main purpose of earnings management in real estate industry. The empirical literature has proved that earnings management is common in listed companies in China. However, There are few empirical studies on earnings management in specific industries. But the real estate industry has always been an important pillar of the national economy and people's livelihood, its earnings management degree? What kind of motivation is the real estate industry based on to carry out earnings management? The solutions to these two questions have not only important theoretical significance, but also very distinct practical significance. This paper is divided into six parts:. The first part: introduction. This part describes the background and significance of the author's topic, research content and methods. The second part: literature review. This part describes the earnings management literature review and the accounting-tax income differences literature review from two angles at home and abroad. The third part: the theoretical analysis of earnings management. This part first describes the concept, characteristics and types of earnings management, and then expounds the theoretical basis of earnings management, the main methods of earnings management and its market consequences. Finally, the paper discusses the characteristics and motivation of earnings management in real estate industry. Part 4th: the theoretical analysis of the differences between accountancy and taxable income, which consists of two parts: accounting-taxable income difference, accounting-taxable income difference and earnings management. Part 5th: real estate earnings management and its tax avoidance motivation empirical research, this part uses the extended Jones model, non-taxable accounting-tax revenue difference measurement model and earnings management tax avoidance motivation research model. The following assumptions were validated:. Let's say that the real estate industry fell from 2008 to 2009 and was prone to positive earnings management, while from 2010 to 2011, when house prices soared, In order to avoid excessive social concern and government macro-control, the real estate industry tends to adopt the negative earnings management deferred accounting surplus; Suppose 2: 2008-2009, non-taxable accounting-tax revenue differences are significantly positively correlated with earnings management, that is, earnings management based on tax avoidance motivation in the real estate industry. Part 6th: research conclusions and policy recommendations. This part includes three sub-parts: research conclusions, policy recommendations and further research directions.


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