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发布时间:2018-02-28 18:09

  本文关键词: 铜产业 资源型产业 风险保障基金 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:China has entered the middle and late stage of industrialization, the industrial structure has been adjusted and optimized, and the demand for mineral resources has also changed. In the middle and late stage of industrialization, the economic form is fine industry and chemical industry. High-end service industry (real estate, etc.) the level of social development is shown by the gradual improvement of infrastructure and the development of transportation facilities. The demand for non-energy mineral resources has changed from metallurgy and non-ferrous to non-ferrous, non-metallic. The peak demand for non-ferrous metals in China, represented by copper metals, is far from reaching its peak. At present, China's per capita copper consumption is 7.5 kg, which is half of the 15 kg per capita in developed countries. In the new normal economy, the proportion of secondary industries will remain stable. The investment in infrastructure and real estate caused by large-scale urbanization will increase the demand for copper. Therefore, the healthy development of copper industry must be guaranteed. First of all, we analyze the demand characteristics from the total copper demand in recent years, the structure of copper demand, and the characteristics of resource demand in the stage of economic and social development, and analyze the future trend of demand from abroad, from the copper production capacity and output in China. Secondly, analyzing the industrial characteristics of China's copper industry, dissecting typical copper smelting enterprises, finding out that the capacity utilization ratio of China's copper industry is on the low side and the profitability is weak. Based on the industrial policies and measures of price adjustment fund in other industries, the paper puts forward the institutional assumption of establishing the risk protection fund of copper industry in China. At the same time, this paper is based on the following two aspects: the development of domestic copper industry is achieving a smooth transition, the trend is relatively stable, but also facing increased environmental costs, Such problems as increased risk of price fluctuations, marked differentiation in the industry, and low profit margins affect the foundation for sustained and healthy development in the future. On the other hand, in the context of the slowing domestic economic growth, there is still room for growth in copper consumption demand. In the context of various measures to stabilize growth and economic transformation, the new economic environment will bring new opportunities for industry. Even effective measures of national security. The government has the responsibility and the ability to enhance the supply of resources.


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