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发布时间:2018-03-01 01:17

  本文关键词: 房地产市场整合营销推广策略 SWOT矩阵分析市场定位 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:环渤海经济圈是保证中国政治和经济稳定的核心地区,在“十二五”期间,沧州将成为冀中南和环渤海地区新的增长极和隆起带。沧州现阶段处于“大盘时代”,区域内的竞争激烈,市场细分逐渐增强,产品开始注重品质和附加值。沧州城市化率不到40%,现处在快速发展阶段。周边县镇的人口不断向市区涌入,加上旧城区改造,沧州市场的刚性需求仍然大量存在。 随着国家对房地产市场的宏观调控,目前房地产行业的竞争日益激烈,而企业间的不断竞争使得房地产行业进入了薄利时代,房地产的销售面临很大销售压力。受消费者多层次、个性化的需求及消费周期长特点的影响,论文采用了文案调研法,对相关文献资料进行了大量检索研究,了解到当前房地产的研究状况,在综合掌握国内外对该问题的研究基础上,展开了新的探索和研究。同时采用了访谈法,通过对团购客户的深度走访,更清楚了解到客户的现实需求与潜在需求,从而为龙韵项目的准确市场定位提供了可靠的依据。 在新形势下,滨河龙韵项目如何为顾客创造更大的让渡价值,从而提升核心竞争力,,已经成为该项目所要解决的关键性问题。论文撰写主要从六大部分来加以阐述,首先交代了研究的背景、意义以及国内外的研究现状,接着阐述了该研究过程中所用的理论和方法,并基于SWOT分析法对滨河龙韵项目当前所面临的内外部环境进行了研究,找出企业发展的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁等,构建SWOT矩阵模型,提出适合项目发展的战略,并利用市场调研的成果,确立了该项目的独特性市场定位。最后从战术上提出了滨河龙韵项目整合营销推广方案,要从推广策略、项目展示等方面进行,并对项目营销策略推进提出了保障措施。滨河龙韵项目必须要从楼盘自身特点出发,以顾客为中心,进行独特性市场定位,要采取有效的整合营销推广策略,整体提升楼盘的核心竞争力,为三、四线城市其他房地产项目如何进行房地产项目整合营销策划提供了很好的借鉴。
[Abstract]:The Bohai Rim Economic Circle is the core region to ensure China's political and economic stability. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Cangzhou will become a new growth pole and uplift zone in central and southern Hebei and the Bohai Rim region. Cangzhou is in a "big market era" at the present stage. The competition in the region is fierce, and the market segmentation is gradually increasing. The products begin to focus on quality and added value. Cangzhou's urbanization rate is less than 40%, now it is in the rapid development stage. The population of surrounding counties and towns is constantly pouring into the urban areas, plus the old urban transformation, the rigid demand of Cangzhou market still exists in large quantities. With the macro-control of the real estate market by the state, the competition in the real estate industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and the continuous competition among enterprises makes the real estate industry enter the era of small profits. The sales of real estate face great sales pressure. Affected by the multi-level, individualized demand and long consumption cycle of consumers, the paper adopts the method of document investigation, and carries out a large number of retrieval studies on the relevant documents and materials. To understand the current research situation of real estate, on the basis of comprehensive understanding of the domestic and foreign research on this issue, launched a new exploration and research. At the same time, by using the method of interview, through the in-depth visit to the group purchase customers, More clearly understand the customer's actual needs and potential needs, thus providing a reliable basis for the accurate market positioning of Longyun project. Under the new situation, how to create greater transferable value for customers and enhance the core competitiveness of Binhe Longyun Project has become the key problem to be solved. Firstly, the background, significance and current situation of the research at home and abroad are explained, then the theories and methods used in the research are expounded, and the internal and external environment of the Longyun Project is studied based on the SWOT analysis method. Find out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of enterprise development, construct SWOT matrix model, put forward the strategy suitable for project development, and make use of the results of market research. The unique market positioning of the project is established. Finally, the integrated marketing promotion scheme of Binhe Longyun project is put forward tactically, which should be carried out from the aspects of promotion strategy, project display, etc. The project must be based on the characteristics of the building itself, take the customer as the center, carry out unique market orientation, and adopt effective integrated marketing promotion strategy. Improving the core competitiveness of the real estate as a whole provides a good reference for other real estate projects in the third and fourth tier cities how to plan the integrated marketing of real estate projects.


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