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发布时间:2018-03-01 07:45

  本文关键词: 小产权房 宅基地 物权 物权变动 出处:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展、房地产行业迅速发展,高涨的房价催生了小产权房的发展。但是,根据《土地管理法》的相关规定,小产权房往往不具备国家房产机构颁发正式的土地使用证、房产证、契税证等证件。由于产权的不完整性,农村小产权房在市场上的交易转让存在很大的争议,可以说,小产权房只具备了使用性质,,而不具备普通商品房的法律性质,对于涉及小产权房的案件,人民法院也就无法适用商品房买卖的法律规定来处理,也就无法保障小产权房购房人的权益。国土资源部虽然多次严厉叫停小产权房,但是小产权房凭着它低廉的价格、政策法律法规的模棱两可而赢得了很多城里人及农民的青睐,市场销售依然火爆。但同时,正因为它在法律上的不确定性给小产权房的社会风险带来了很大的隐患,造成了一些不良的后果,法院裁判而导致的小产权房物权变动与法律和政策的导向大相径庭。部分房产开发商、乡镇集体过度追逐利益,不顾是否符合土地利用总体规划和城乡建设规划,对农村土地的过度开发与建设,势必影响到我国的耕地保护制度,同时也将扰乱全国房地产市场的健康发展。 当今,小产权房占到所有住房的比例居高不下,小产权房牵涉了很多人的利益,如果就按法律而一刀切地否定小产权房,势必会影响整个社会的稳定,因此,如何将小产权房向大产权合理地有步骤地转化,而不违背现有的法律法规,实现小产权房合法产权的归属和合法物权变动,考验着法律工作者及政府工作者的智慧和能力,也维系着社会的安全与稳定。而《物权法》实施后,全面肯定了公民的物权,那么对于小产权房的物权归属和变动来说,是不是也同样受到法律的认可了呢?小产权房能否最终转化成了合法的产权房,在产权归属明确的前提下进行合法转让,便是合法的物权变动呢?本文根据《土地管理法》、《物权法》等相关法律,通过对宁波、湖州等地实地调研和考察,查阅相关参考文献和书籍,了解有相关小产权房纠纷案例等几种途径,对小产权房的所谓产权性质即物权归属加以分析,并对其在市场流通、法院处置、拍卖拍得等模式下的物权变动进行阐述和研究,同时结合我国目前的土地管理规制,强调小产权房法律规范体系的构建和完善的必要性,最终从相关法律制度的构建、确定小产权房的合法地位及解决小产权房问题的操作三方面提出自己的建议和看法。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and economy, the real estate industry has developed rapidly, and the soaring house prices have given birth to the development of small property houses. However, according to the relevant provisions of the Land Management Law, Small property houses often do not have official land use certificates, house property certificates, deed tax certificates and other documents issued by state real estate agencies. Due to the imperfection of property rights, there is a great dispute over the transaction and transfer of small property right houses in rural areas on the market, which can be said to be, Houses with small property rights have only the nature of use, but they do not have the legal nature of ordinary commercial housing. For cases involving small property houses, the people's courts will not be able to apply the legal provisions on the sale of commercial housing to deal with them. The Ministry of Land and Resources has repeatedly called for the suspension of small property houses, but because of its low price and ambiguous policies, laws and regulations have won the favor of many city people and farmers. Market sales are still booming. But at the same time, it is precisely because of its legal uncertainty that it brings great hidden dangers to the social risks of small property houses, resulting in some adverse consequences. The changes in property rights of small property houses caused by court decisions are quite different from the direction of laws and policies. Some real estate developers, township collectives, are excessively pursuing interests, regardless of whether they are in line with the overall land use plan and the urban and rural construction plan. The over-development and construction of rural land will inevitably affect the cultivated land protection system in China, and will also disturb the healthy development of the real estate market in China. Nowadays, the proportion of small property houses in all housing units remains high. Small property houses involve the interests of many people. If the law is applied to negate small property houses across the board, it will inevitably affect the stability of the whole society. How to transform the small property house to the large property right in a reasonable and step-by-step manner, without violating the existing laws and regulations, and to realize the ownership of the legal property right and the change of the legal property right of the small property right house, which tests the wisdom and ability of the legal worker and the government worker, Also maintain the security and stability of society. And after the implementation of the property Law, fully affirmed the real right of citizens, so for the ownership and change of the property right of the small property right, is it also recognized by the law? Can the small property right house be transformed into the legal property right house finally, under the premise of the clear ownership of the property right to carry on the legal transfer, is the legal real right change? According to the relevant laws, such as the Land Management Law, the Real right Law, and other relevant laws, through the field investigation and investigation in Ningbo, Huzhou and other places, this paper refers to the relevant references and books, and finds out how to find out the relevant cases of small property right housing disputes, etc. This paper analyzes the so-called property right nature of the small property right house, that is, the ownership of the property right, and expounds and studies the real right change under the market circulation, court disposal, auction and so on, at the same time, combining with the current land management regulation in our country, The author emphasizes the necessity of constructing and perfecting the legal standard system of the small property right house, and finally puts forward his own suggestions and opinions from three aspects: the construction of the relevant legal system, the determination of the legal status of the small property right house and the operation of solving the problem of the small property right house.


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