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发布时间:2018-03-02 04:19

  本文关键词: 廉租房 REITs 运作机制 法律构建 出处:《上海大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产市场的高回报率吸引着广大投资者,中国的资本市场出现了“炒房”热潮。在房地产市场里,商品房价格居高不下,尤其是最近几年。虽然中央一直强调要对房地产市场进行调控,但仍然抑制不住房价的攀高。房价已经远远超过了城镇居民的购买水平,特别是低收入人群,,很难实现“住有所居”的目标。为此,中央政府针对城镇低收入水平的居民推出了廉租房政策。近年来,廉租房住房体系虽然在不断地发展,但其发展缓慢,这源于建设廉租房资金短缺,住房数量少,不能满足居民的住房需求。因此,目前急需以新型的金融工具——REITs作为解决廉租房体系所面临问题的一种手段。 廉租房是我国保障性住房的重要内容,是解决民生问题的重要方式。资金的短缺是廉租房政策继续推行的强大阻力,因此解决资金问题,是发展廉租房的重中之重。由于REITs适合中小投资者,且目前在我国居民大量存款苦于缺乏稳定的投资渠道的状况下,发展廉租房REITs不但能够解决廉租房资金短缺的问题,还可以集合社会上的闲散资金,为中小投资者提供可靠的投资渠道,以保证资本收益。
[Abstract]:The high rate of return of the real estate market to attract a large number of investors, Chinese capital market "real" boom. In the real estate market, commercial housing prices, especially in recent years. Although the central government has stressed the need to regulate the real estate market, but still not suppress housing prices rising prices have been. Far more than the urban residents purchase level, especially the low income crowd, it is difficult to achieve the goal of "housing". Therefore, the central government for the urban low-income residents launched a low rent housing policy. In recent years, although the housing low rent housing system in continuous development, but its development is slow, the source in the construction of low rent housing shortage of funds, the housing quantity is less, can not meet the housing needs of residents. Therefore, the urgent need for new financial tools -- REITs as a means of solving the problems faced by the low rent housing system.
Low rent housing is an important part of China's affordable housing, is an important way to solve the problem of people's livelihood. The shortage of funds is low rent housing policy to continue to implement strong resistance, therefore, to solve the financing problem, is the priority among priorities of the development of low rent housing. Because REITs is suitable for small investors, and the residents suffer from large deposits in China the lack of stable investment channels under the condition of the development of low rent housing low rent housing REITs can not only solve the problem of shortage of funds, but also a collection of social idle funds, provide reliable investment channels for small and medium investors, to ensure capital gains.



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3 李智;;房地产投资信托(REITs)之制度优势[J];法学杂志;2006年06期

4 李智;;房地产投资信托(REI Ts)法律制度之基本理论[J];河北法学;2007年09期

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1 王小雪;中国不动产投资信托基金运行机制研究[D];天津财经大学;2009年

2 周欣欣;房地产投资信托基金法律问题研究[D];吉林大学;2010年

3 闾梓睿;房地产投资信托法律制度研究[D];武汉大学;2012年




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