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发布时间:2018-03-04 01:28

  本文选题:房地产 切入点:工程项目管理 出处:《河北工程大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国逐步开展了大规模的经济建设,社会各项事业也获得了空前的大发展、大繁荣。以我国的房地产事业为例,近几年来,这一行业的发展速度迅猛,在投资的金额方面以及项目的数量和质量方面都有大幅度的提升,房地产行业的发展也越来越复杂。因此,对于房地产行业的管理就面临着严峻的挑战,为了更好的与社会经济发展相适应,必须要对房地产行业的管理模式进行进一步的探索和创新,在房地产行业的发展过程中,精细化的管理理念逐渐得到了人们的认可,被大规模的实施开来。 在进行撰写之前,笔者查阅了大量的相关资料,关注了精细化管理的内容以及发展历程,深刻分析精细化管理的来源和理论基础,进而明晰了精细化管理的定义、特征和内容。分析了房地产项目的特点和现在工程管理现状,通过对传统管理方式和精细化管理方式区别的认识,将精细化管理引入到房地产项目中,并阐述了为什么要对房地产行业的管理模式进行改革以及精细化管理在其中发挥的作用。通过对影响房地产行业发展的几个重要因素的分析,比如成本、安全、以及工程质量等等,总结了几项房地产管理的重要原则,以及精细化管理的必要措施。同时,还将理论联系房地产行业的实际,针对某一特定的房地产类型进行分析,,找出这一类房地产项目在管理方式上的问题,并考虑对其实施精细化管理的影响,在得到有利结果之后,再进一步优化精细化的管理方式,使精细化的管理完全适应房地产行业的发展,起到更好的促进作用。 通过有关专家的相关调查研究我们不难发现,要想做好房地产行业不仅只是实施过程的快速有效提升,更是整个行业全方位的质量提升,以达到房地产项目巨大发展前景的提升空间的目标,该行业必须完善自身管理制度,不断精简细化行业管理,将精与细各行其善,又相得益彰,从而使房地产行业形成一个科学高效的体系,不断推进房地产管理模式的向前发展。在将精细化的管理模式应用到房地产项目中之后,还要为这一管理模式的推行营造良好的环境。要广泛地宣传这一管理理念,使每一个人认可并适应这种管理方法,不断在实践中为精细化管理建言献策,不断完善这一管理方式。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually carried out large-scale economic construction, and the social undertakings have also achieved unprecedented development and prosperity. Taking the real estate industry of our country as an example, in recent years, the development of this industry has been swift and violent. The amount of investment and the quantity and quality of projects have been greatly improved, and the development of the real estate industry has become more and more complicated. Therefore, the management of the real estate industry is facing serious challenges. In order to better adapt to the social and economic development, we must further explore and innovate the management mode of the real estate industry. In the process of the development of the real estate industry, the fine management concept has been gradually recognized by people. Be carried out on a large scale. Before writing, the author consulted a lot of relevant information, paid attention to the content and development of fine management, deeply analyzed the source and theoretical basis of fine management, and then clarified the definition of fine management. This paper analyzes the characteristics of real estate project and the present situation of project management. Through the understanding of the difference between traditional management and fine management, the fine management is introduced into the real estate project. It also explains why we should reform the management mode of the real estate industry and the role of fine management in it. Through the analysis of several important factors affecting the development of the real estate industry, such as cost, safety, The paper summarizes several important principles of real estate management, and the necessary measures of fine management. At the same time, the theory is combined with the practice of the real estate industry to analyze a particular real estate type. To find out the problems in the management of this kind of real estate projects, and consider the impact of the implementation of fine management on the real estate projects, and further optimize the fine management methods after obtaining the favorable results. Fine management to fully adapt to the development of the real estate industry, play a better role in promoting. Through the relevant investigation and study by relevant experts, it is not difficult to find that if we want to do a good job in the real estate industry, it is not only a fast and effective upgrade of the implementation process, but also a comprehensive quality improvement of the whole industry. In order to achieve the goal of improving the huge development prospects of real estate projects, the industry must improve its own management system, continuously streamline and refine the industry management, will be fine and fine to do their good, and complement each other. So that the real estate industry to form a scientific and efficient system, constantly promote the development of real estate management model. It is also necessary to create a good environment for the implementation of this management model. It is necessary to widely publicize this management concept, to make everyone accept and adapt to this management method, and to make suggestions and suggestions for the refinement of management in practice. Continuously consummate this one management way.


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