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发布时间:2018-03-05 04:00

  本文选题:中国经济 切入点:金融风险 出处:《国际经济评论》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the financial risk kept in stocks, bonds, real estate, traveling between Internet financial and foreign exchange market, shows that the China economy has entered a period of high growth and financial risk. The real economy slowdown leads to the decline in investment returns, the rapid accumulation of the birth of a large number of zombie companies and promote financial risk; while the leverage ratio rose sharply, ample liquidity and lack of investment opportunities coexist; financial innovation in some areas such as Internet banking and shadow banking to meet the needs of the real economy at the same time, also made a lot of new financial risks; and the "government shares" has become increasingly difficult to continue. Therefore, the prevention and control system of financial risk has become one of the most important economic targets the policy at present. We suggest that the government from three aspects: first, macroeconomic policy especially monetary policy should be highly concerned financial risk, With the macro Prudential policy, maintain economic and financial stabilization. Second, give up the government transparency, strengthen market discipline, timely release of the risks, enterprises and financial institutions zombie zombie disposal as soon as possible. Third, the reform of the financial regulatory framework, improve policy coordination, strengthen the independence of regulatory agencies, professional and authoritative. Once the conditions are ripe to mixed supervision, consider using Shuangfeng supervision mode.

【作者单位】: 北京大学国家发展研究院;北京大学数字金融研究中心;


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