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发布时间:2018-03-05 15:31

  本文选题:土地管理 切入点:土地集约利用 出处:《长安大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Research purposes: first, the level of land intensive use of development zone science measure, provide the basis for land management policy. Two, to find out the restricted factors of land intensive use, provide direction for improving the level of land intensive use. Methods: using multi factor comprehensive evaluation method, the level of land intensive use of development zone. The results of the study: (1) the degree of land use, four park land completion rates are close to 100%, the interface between land supply and project construction closely; Dongchuan industrial park land supply rate is as high as 89.5%, in about 50% of the land supply rate of the remaining three of the park, there is much room for improvement. (2) land the structure, part of the Industrial Park industrial land rate is relatively low, real estate land and transportation land. A higher proportion (3) in the land use intensity, only the Dongchuan Industrial Park and the biotechnology industry Comprehensive volume rate was higher than the 2012 National Park National Development Zone land value, the volume rate of comprehensive volume rate of the remaining four parks and industrial parks were lower than the national average. (4) in the output efficiency of land investment, biological science and technology industrial park land input-output efficiency is much higher than the other three industrial parks in addition, the biological science and Technology Industrial Park, the three parks industrial land investment intensity of fixed assets are less than the national average of 1/6, output intensity was less than the national average of 1/4. (5) land management performance, no idle processing and overdue treatment project. The conclusion of the study: (1) four Industrial Park Development Zone in biological science and technology industrial park land intensive use level is highest, followed by the Nanchuan Industrial Park, Dongchuan Industrial Park and the Gan River Industrial Park. (2) the disposal of idle land development zones and to Treatment project is good, but the current development zone land intensive utilization level is not high, the land utilization situation, restrictive factors are land use efficiency. (3) the biggest restrictive factors of land intensive use of Xining City Development Zone, the industrial land input-output level is too low, the two indexes of the ideal value to achieve the lowest degree of 9.734% and 8.737%, seriously affected the level of intensive utilization of land; land use rate and low rate of industrial land supply is the development zone of Xining city land intensive use of the main restrictive factors; in addition, the volume of industrial land and industrial land building coefficient realize the ideal value of 86.265% and 72.368%, also affected the Development Zone intensive land use level to a certain extent.



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