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发布时间:2018-03-05 13:23

  本文选题:公权力 切入点:私权利 出处:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:开国以来,百废待兴。为了弥补战争的创伤,赶上世界发展的潮流,政府决定建立计划经济体制。而随着社会与经济的不断发展,,计划经济时代的全能型政府已经不能适应时代的发展,服务型政府已经成为了世界发展的主流。我国急需政府职能的转变。这一转变必然导致政治、经济制度的转变。而住房制度改革是经济制度转变中不可或缺的内容。回首展望中国改革开放的发展历程,我们发现住房制度改革可谓是公众关注的一大焦点。从福利分房到到停止福利分房,再到销售商品房直至现在的房产泡沫危机,房地产行业的每一步发展都是一大看点。房屋作为人们生存生活的最基本保障,其改革的意义已不言而喻。通过对住房体制改革的研究,我们发现,住房体制改革的过程就是公权力逐步退出房屋使用管理领域,私权利逐步介入的过程。而在这一过程中产生了诸多问题。这些问题最主要的表现为:私权利无法高效有力的解决在房屋使用管理过程中产生的问题。 因此,如何解决这一问题成为了本文研究的核心。本文提出的观点是:不能单纯的依靠私权利解决房屋使用管理问题,公权力与私权的共治才是最好的管理方式。首先,房屋使用管理领域内留有公权力介入的空间,即公权力的介入是可行的,这是公权力介入的前提;其次,公权力的介入方式也是有章可循的,即公权力可以以法律以及行政法规为授权依据,将行政权力授予相关组织;最后,明确法律与行政法规的相关内容。在房屋使用管理领域实行公私共治有其可行之处,其将重新梳理房屋使用管理关系,并对公权与私权重新配置,最终达到维护业主自身利益的目的。
[Abstract]:In order to make up for the trauma of the war and catch up with the trend of world development, the government decided to establish a planned economic system. But with the continuous development of society and economy, The omnipotent government in the planned economy era has been unable to adapt to the development of the times, and the service-oriented government has become the mainstream of the world's development. The reform of the housing system is an indispensable part of the transformation of the economic system. Looking back at the development of China's reform and opening up, We find that housing system reform is a major focus of public attention. From the distribution of welfare housing to the suspension of welfare housing, to the sale of commercial housing until the current housing bubble crisis, Every step of the development of the real estate industry is a big focus. Housing as the most basic guarantee of people's survival and life, its significance of reform has been self-evident. Through the study of the housing system reform, we found, The process of housing system reform is the gradual withdrawal of public power from the field of housing use management. In this process, many problems have arisen. These problems are mainly manifested in that the private rights can not solve the problems in the process of building use management efficiently and effectively. Therefore, how to solve this problem has become the core of this study. The viewpoint of this paper is that we can not simply rely on private rights to solve the problem of housing use management, the common governance of public power and private right is the best management method. In the field of housing use management, there is room for public power to intervene, that is, the intervention of public power is feasible, which is the premise of public power intervention; secondly, there are rules to follow in the way of public power intervention. That is, public power can be authorized on the basis of laws and administrative regulations, and the administrative power can be delegated to relevant organizations. Finally, it is feasible to make clear the relevant contents of laws and administrative regulations. It will rearrange the relationship between the use and management of the house and reconfigure the public right and private right so as to protect the owner's own interests.


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