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发布时间:2018-03-09 09:55

  本文选题:房地产 切入点:天心房地产公司 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产业是国民经济的基础性产业,前几年在市场和调控中保持较快发展,房地产供应和消费市场稳步扩大。这几年,国家对多次对房地产市场进行调控,措施之严厉,政策涉及之广泛,出台数量之密集前所未有,从调控的出发点来看,主要是打击炒房和投机行为,控制房价过快上涨,促进房地产市场健康发展。在此形势下,房地产企业应该顺应市场需求,在严峻的竞争环境中谋求发展之路。 本文主要研究了湖南省天心房地产开发有限责任公司(简称天心房地产公司)的战略选择及相应的措施。旨在通过分析和探讨,使天心房地产公司在清醒的认识到内外部环境的基础上,进一步明确公司在集团公司发展方向调整后企业的定位、发展方向、战略选择及相应的应对措施。本文从分析房地产业的宏观经济环境、行业环境、行业发展趋势、市场竞争态势入手,运用SWOT和五力分析法,分析天心房地产公司外部环境、内部环境和优劣势,提出公司的战略选择,探讨了天心房地产公司如何在核心竞争力、品牌、供应链、风险管理等方面建立起与企业战略相适应的运行机制和措施,卓有成效地抓好战略实施。 通过研究,本文得出如下结论:总体上,天心房地产公司长期发展前景乐观,短期处于调整阶段,房地产市场竞争日益加剧;公司改制后,要赢得优势并实现可持续发展,应当走专业化集中发展之路,努力在竞争中实现成本领先和差异化优势,从而形成自己的核心竞争力;天心房地产公司需要结合公司的实际情况努力在核心竞争力、内部管理、供应链管理、品牌管理、风险管理等方面建立起与企业战略相适应的运行机制和环境。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is the basic industry of the national economy. In the past few years, the real estate industry has maintained relatively rapid development in the market and regulation, and the real estate supply and consumption market has steadily expanded. In recent years, the state has repeatedly regulated and controlled the real estate market. The policy involves a wide range and the number of issues is unprecedented. From the point of view of regulation and control, it is mainly to crack down on property speculation and speculation, control house prices rising too fast, and promote the healthy development of the real estate market. Under this situation, The real estate enterprise should conform to the market demand and seek the road of development in the severe competition environment. This paper mainly studies the strategic choice and corresponding measures of Hunan Tianxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. On the basis of a sober understanding of the internal and external environment, the Tianxin Real Estate Company has further clarified the orientation and development direction of the company after the development direction of the group company has been adjusted. This paper analyzes the macro economic environment, industry environment, industry development trend and market competition situation of real estate industry, and analyzes the external environment of Tianxin real estate company by using SWOT and five forces analysis method. The internal environment and advantages and disadvantages of the company are put forward, and the strategic choice of the company is put forward, and how to establish the operation mechanism and measures suitable for the enterprise strategy in the core competitiveness, brand, supply chain and risk management of Tianxin Real Estate Company are discussed. Effectively grasp the implementation of the strategy. Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions: in general, Tianxin Real Estate Company has optimistic long-term development prospects, is in the adjustment stage, and the competition in the real estate market is intensifying day by day, the company needs to win advantages and achieve sustainable development after restructuring. We should take the road of specialized and concentrated development, strive to realize the cost leading and differentiation advantage in the competition, thus form our own core competitiveness; Tianxin real estate company needs to combine with the actual situation of the company to try hard in the core competitiveness, internal management, Supply chain management, brand management, risk management, etc.


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