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发布时间:2018-03-10 14:43

  本文选题:藏岳房地产项目 切入点:投资分析 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在我国,房地产业是一门新兴的行业,随着国家宏观经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,房地产行业在短短十几年时间内迅速发展壮大起来,成为国民经济的重要支柱之一。由于房地产投资资金额巨大,收回投资的建造租售周期很长,影响报偿的因素特多,是一种高风险投资。因此,对房地产项目进行科学的投资分析和评价是项目成败的关键。本文运用房地产项目投资分析和评价方法对长沙市藏岳房地产项目进行了具体的分析评价。 本文首先从项目的地点与地理位置、土地权属类别和土地权属状况、建设规模、建设条件、建设方案、环境保护措施等六个方面对藏岳房地产项目的概况进行了较为详尽的介绍,同时也对藏岳房地产项目的定位和优劣势进行了分析。然后,本文对藏岳房地产项目的投资环境进行了分析,主要从长沙市经济状况和河西经济状况两个方面介绍了项目面临的经济环境,从长沙市房地产市场特点、市场分析、市场走势以及需求分析四个方面对项目所处区域房地产市场环境进行了分析,同时也对项目周边房地产项目情况进行了介绍。接下来,通过项目的投资和财务分析,对项目的投资成本、资金筹措、销售收入、投资收益和盈利能力进行了估算和评价。最后,,通过不确定性分析计算了项目的盈亏平衡点并确定了相关敏感因素,同时对藏岳房地产项目可能存在的风险以及相关控制措施进行了分析和介绍。 本文从管理学、投资学和公司理财等学科的角度,结合实际房地产项目,对实践中正在运用的一些经验做法进行整理总结,为今后的项目投资提供指引,规避风险,提高经济效益。论文理论与实践相结合,通过对房地产项目投资分析的研究,丰富了房地产项目评价的理论,为开发商进行房地产开发项目决策和项目管理提供有效的工具,具有一定的实际意义和参考价值。
[Abstract]:In China, the real estate industry is a new industry. With the development of the national macro-economy and the improvement of the people's living standard, the real estate industry has developed rapidly in a short period of more than ten years. To become one of the important pillars of the national economy. Because of the huge amount of real estate investment, the construction, lease and sale period of the recovery investment is very long, and there are many factors affecting the repayment. Therefore, it is a kind of high risk investment. Scientific investment analysis and evaluation of real estate projects is the key to the success or failure of the project. This paper makes a concrete analysis and evaluation of the real estate projects of Zangyue in Changsha by using the method of investment analysis and evaluation of real estate projects. This paper first from the project location and geographical location, land ownership category and land ownership status, construction scale, construction conditions, construction plans, The environmental protection measures and other six aspects have carried on the more detailed introduction to the Tibet Yue real estate project, at the same time has also carried on the analysis to the Tibet Yue real estate project localization and the superiority and inferiority. This paper analyzes the investment environment of the real estate project in Zangyue, mainly introduces the economic environment facing the project from the two aspects of the economic situation of Changsha and Hexi, and analyzes the market characteristics of the real estate market in Changsha. The market trend and demand analysis have analyzed the regional real estate market environment in which the project is located. At the same time, the situation of the real estate projects around the project has also been introduced. Next, through the investment and financial analysis of the project, The investment cost, financing, sales income, investment income and profitability of the project are estimated and evaluated. Finally, the profit and loss breakeven point of the project is calculated by uncertainty analysis and the relevant sensitive factors are determined. At the same time, the paper analyzes and introduces the possible risks and related control measures of Zangyue real estate project. From the point of view of management, investment and corporate finance, this paper, combining with real estate projects, collates and summarizes some of the experience and practices being used in practice, in order to provide guidance for future project investment and to avoid risks. This paper combines theory with practice, enriches the theory of real estate project evaluation and provides effective tools for real estate development project decision making and project management through the research on investment analysis of real estate project. It has certain practical significance and reference value.


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