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发布时间:2018-03-10 17:54

  本文选题:家庭伦理剧 切入点:房子 出处:《华东师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“衣食住行”是人类生活的基本需要,而“住”对中国人来说不仅仅只是遮风避雨的处所,更是承载着亲情爱情的家。自1980年4月中央出台一系列政策拉开了我国城镇住房制度改革的序幕,中国房地产行业蓬勃发展,中国人民对房子的追求也愈发痴狂。而“房子”在社会、媒介、文化的相互交织下也渐渐成为象征着能力、资格、荣誉的符号神话,成为了现代中国人心中永恒的梦。 本文旨在通过对参与“房子”符号神话构筑的优秀家庭伦理剧进行梳理,结合现实调查数据,试图阐释分析在当下中国不断发展的社会背景中,荧屏与现实如何相互促进、相互作用共同谱写“房子”神话,从而进一步探析家庭伦理剧的文学价值与现实意义。 本研究将在符号学及拟态环境理论支撑下,采用文本分析和文献法进行研究阐述。目前基于符号学角度对电视剧领域中的某一特定符号进行系统梳理和文化批评的研究甚为少见,这是本文的创新之处,也是难点所在。
[Abstract]:"Food, clothing, shelter and transportation" are the basic needs of human life, and "living" is not just a shelter for the Chinese people. Since April 1980, when the central government issued a series of policies to open the prelude to the reform of the urban housing system in China, the real estate industry in China has flourished. The Chinese people's pursuit of the house is becoming more and more crazy, and the "house" has gradually become the symbol myth of ability, qualification and honor in the intertwined society, media and culture, and has become the eternal dream in the heart of the modern Chinese people. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how screen and reality promote each other in the developing social background of China through combing the outstanding family ethics drama which is constructed by the symbol mythology of "house", and combining with the actual investigation data. The interaction makes up the myth of "house" together, and further analyzes the literary value and practical significance of family ethics drama. This study will be supported by semiotics and pseudo-environmental theory. The text analysis and literature method are adopted to study and expound. At present, it is rare to systematically comb and criticize a certain symbol in the field of TV drama based on semiotics, which is the innovation and difficulty of this paper.


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