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发布时间:2018-03-14 01:43

  本文选题:房地产企业 切入点:销售人员 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With a series of great changes taking place in the real estate market of our country, the government has intensified macro-control, the construction of various kinds of economic indemnificatory apartment, comfortable housing, and the constant maturity of the consumer mentality. The sales personnel are one of the direct creators of the profits of the real estate enterprises. Employment and training of excellent sales personnel is the key to the expansion of sales to achieve profits. Based on the analysis of competence at home and abroad and its relationship with performance, this paper takes the sales personnel of real estate enterprises as the research object. By means of literature review, competency factor analysis, questionnaire survey and empirical research, this paper explores and studies the relationship between competency model and performance in real estate enterprises. Based on the method of field interview and questionnaire survey, this paper discusses the competency model of sales personnel in real estate enterprises, and through empirical analysis, obtains the relationship between competency model and performance of sales personnel in real estate enterprises. Previous studies mainly focus on professional managers, marketing personnel and other different professional competency factors, this paper take specific industries as the starting point, extract real estate enterprise sales personnel competency elements, The research results show that the model of real estate salesperson competency includes four dimensions and 22 competency elements, and the relationship between competence and performance of sales personnel in real estate enterprises is also studied, which is more pertinent and reasonable. The results show that the competency model of sales personnel in real estate enterprises includes four dimensions and 22 elements of competence. Among them, the dimensions include personal professional accomplishment, professional knowledge, interpersonal skills, learning and thinking ability. Competency factors include responsibility, language expression, teamwork, customer service awareness, self-confidence, observation ability, etc. Social ability, real estate marketing knowledge, product knowledge, real estate market analysis ability, courage to challenge, internal relationship building ability, initiative, adaptability, self-learning, creative thinking, logical thinking ability, Ability to resist pressure, personal image, knowledge of real estate policies and regulations, market research ability and continuous learning ability. There is a positive correlation between the four dimensions of competence and the two dimensions of performance of sales personnel in real estate enterprises. Each dimension of competence can predict the effect of each dimension of performance, and each dimension of competence can distinguish between high and low performance employees.


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