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发布时间:2018-03-14 18:43

  本文选题:武汉 切入点:湖泊 出处:《水利学报》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:近年来,武汉市城市内涝频发,湖泊的减少被认为是导致其发生的重要原因。然而目前尚未有一个统一、科学的数据来表示整个武汉市湖泊的历史变迁。为了掌握近几十年武汉市湖泊的时空变化规律,基于多源遥感数据,采用归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)和面向对象分割结合的水体提取算法,对1973—2015年武汉市的湖泊分布进行了提取,并结合武汉市气象资料和统计年鉴对引起其变化的影响因素进行了分析。结果如下:(1)1973年,武汉市辖区内的湖泊水域面积为1170.84 km2,2015年为856.27 km2,42年间减少了314.57 km2,剧烈减少时期发生在1973—2005年,2005年以后,基本趋于稳定。(2)1973年武汉市中心城区湖泊水域面积为148.90 km2,1973年到1996年,湖泊水域面积基本趋于稳定,而在1996年之后,武汉市中心城区湖泊水域面积开始剧烈减少,2010年之后,武汉市中心城区的湖泊水域面积基本趋于稳定;2015年,武汉市中心城区湖泊水域面积为99.94km2,相对于1973年,减少了48.96 km2。(3)1973年到2015年,武汉市年降水量呈现略增加的趋势,年平均气温则有一定的增加趋势;而在1990年之后,武汉市人口的增加、城镇的快速发展及房地产开发导致了大量的湖泊被侵占;气候变化和人类活动共同导致了武汉市的湖泊水域面积减少,其中人类活动是其变化的主要因素。
[Abstract]:In recent years, urban waterlogging has occurred frequently in Wuhan, and the reduction of lakes is considered to be an important cause of its occurrence. Scientific data represent the historical changes of lakes in Wuhan. In order to understand the temporal and spatial changes of lakes in Wuhan in recent decades, based on multi-source remote sensing data, The lake distribution in Wuhan City from 1973 to 2015 was extracted by using a normalized differential water index (NDWI) and an object-oriented water extraction algorithm. Combined with the meteorological data and the statistical yearbook of Wuhan City, the influence factors of the change are analyzed. The results are as follows: 1973. The area of lake waters in Wuhan City is 1170.84 km ~ 2, and in 2015, 856.27 km ~ 2 decreased by 314.57 km ~ (2). The period of sharp decrease occurred in 1973-2005. After 2005, the area of lake water in downtown Wuhan was 148.90 km ~ (2) from 1973 to 1973. After 1996, the area of lake waters in downtown Wuhan began to decrease sharply. After 2010, the area of lake waters in downtown Wuhan tended to be stable. The area of lake waters in downtown Wuhan is 99.94 km ~ 2, which decreased by 48.96 km ~ (2.3) compared with 1973.) from 1973 to 2015, the annual precipitation in Wuhan City showed a slightly increasing trend, and the annual average temperature increased to a certain extent. With the increase of population, the rapid development of cities and towns and the development of real estate, a large number of lakes have been encroached upon, and climate change and human activities have led to the decrease of lake area in Wuhan, in which human activity is the main factor.
【作者单位】: 中国水利水电科学研究院;水利部防洪抗旱减灾工程技术研究中心;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0405803) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51420105014)


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