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发布时间:2018-03-15 18:17

  本文选题:民营招标模式 切入点:文件编制 出处:《沈阳大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在我国的建筑业中,产生了民营房地产企业,民营房地产企业招投标作为新生事物,在建筑业中起到了积极作用,而且所占比例呈现越来越大趋势。但在发展过程中,民营房地产企业招标还存在着不规范、需要量化评定标、系统资源优化配置等问题,而且迫需尽快研究和解决这些问题。 本文对我国民营房地产企业招标模式和文件编制进行了研究,建立适合我国国情的民营地产企业招标模式和文件编制;在本研究中,用层次分析法实现量化评定标,实现多方案多目标决策;在民营房地产企业招标过程中,经常会遇到生产系统各工序设备选用的都很精良,但在生产线运行时,生产效率并不高,并不理想。经常出现小马拉大车,使生产能力得不到充分发挥;或出现大马拉小车现象,使各工序设备不能充分发挥潜能。究其原因,就是生产线上各工序设备不能很好配套,影响生产效率。要想生产线生产能力得到充分发挥,最大限度的发挥各工序设备潜能,必须解决生产线各工序设备优化配套问题,使之生产线各工序设备能协调、平稳、高效运行,,最大限度地提高生产效率,实现系统设备优化配置。本文应用系统工程的理论与方法并通过工程实例解决招标中系统设备优化配置问题,实现系统资源优化配置。为一创新性研究工作。本文研究具有重要意义和经济价值。
[Abstract]:In the construction industry of our country, the private real estate enterprise has produced the private real estate enterprise. As a new thing, the private real estate enterprise has played a positive role in the construction industry, and the proportion of the private real estate enterprise has taken on a more and more big trend. But in the process of development, There are still some problems in the bidding of private real estate enterprises, such as quantitative evaluation standard, system resource optimization and so on, and these problems need to be studied and solved as soon as possible. This paper studies the bidding mode and document compilation of private real estate enterprises in our country, establishes the bidding mode and document compilation of private real estate enterprises suitable for the national conditions of our country, in this research, realizes the quantitative evaluation standard by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In the bidding process of private real estate enterprises, it is often encountered that the equipment used in each process of production system is very good, but when the production line is running, the production efficiency is not high. It is not ideal. There are often pony pulleys, which make the production capacity not fully developed; or the phenomenon that the production capacity is not fully brought into full play; or the phenomenon of pulling the trolley in a large horse does not give full play to the potential of the equipment in the various processes. The reason is that the equipment in the various processes on the production line is not well matched. Affecting production efficiency. In order to give full play to the productive capacity of the production line and maximize the potential of each process equipment, we must solve the problem of optimizing and matching the equipment in each working procedure of the production line, so that the equipment of the production line can be coordinated and stable. This paper applies the theory and method of system engineering to solve the problem of optimal allocation of system equipment in bidding by applying the theory and method of system engineering. It is an innovative research work to realize the optimal allocation of system resources. The research in this paper is of great significance and economic value.


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