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发布时间:2018-03-20 09:40

  本文选题:小产权房 切入点:原因 出处:《中共中央党校》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:所谓小产权房是指建设在农村集体所有土地之上的、向本集体经济组织之外的居民销售的房屋,这类房屋的产权发证机关是当地基层乡镇政府而非国家土地管理部门。购买者只能取得当地乡政府或者是村民委员会所发的房屋所有权和使用权证,而不能获得国家房产管理部门所发的房屋所有权证和土地使用权证。而在我国房屋和土地的相关法律中,乡镇政府和村委会是没有权利发放此类证书的,因而,在日常生活中,小产权房又有许多其他称谓,如“乡产权房”、“村产权房”等等。 小产权房规模的急剧扩大不是偶然的,它的出现和发展和我国特殊的土地管理制度和飞快的经济社会发展速度是密切相关的。造成小产权房产生并迅速发展的原因主要有:我国土地管理制度造成的城乡二元的土地所有制;地方政府在土地管理中存在的管理缺位的问题;随着城市化的不断深入,城市居民对于住房的需求不断上涨;城市商品房价格过高,超过中低收入者购房能力;城市保障性住房体系建设不尽完善。 小产权的大量存在对经济社会的发展有着深刻的影响,既有一定的积极作用,也存在着明显的弊端。其积极作用表现在:增加城市住房供给,抑制房价过快上涨;推动小城镇和新农村建设;缓解政府保障性住房的建设压力。但其弊端更加明显,,表现在:违反相关法律规定;不利于农民权益保障;不利于购房者权益保障;不利于房地产市场的有序、健康发展。 针对小产权房问题的复杂性,笔者从其各利益主体的角度分别从:政府部门、村集体组织、农民、购房者、开发商等五个角度进行了分析。并在结合目前各地实践的基础上提出了解决小产权房问题应该坚持的原则:坚持依法治理的原则;坚持分类处理的原则;维护农民、购房者利益的原则;坚持权利平等的原则。并提出解决小产权房问题的政策建议:认为根本途径是建立完善的农村土地流转机制;必须完善农村土地管理体制;必须完善城市保障性住房建设;对现有小产权房进行分类处理,按照占用耕地的类型和是否符合基本建设规划的标准,进行区别化处理。
[Abstract]:The so-called houses with small property rights refer to houses built on rural collectively-owned land and sold to residents outside their own collective economic organizations. The issuing authority for property rights of this type of house is the local grass-roots township government rather than the state land administration department. The purchaser can only obtain the building ownership and use certificate issued by the local township government or the villagers' committee. However, they cannot obtain the certificates of ownership and land use issued by the State real estate administration. In the relevant laws on housing and land in our country, township governments and village committees do not have the right to issue such certificates, so in their daily lives, Small property houses also have many other terms, such as "township property right room", "village property right room" and so on. The dramatic expansion of the size of small property houses is not accidental. Its appearance and development are closely related to our country's special land management system and the rapid economic and social development speed. The main reasons that cause the small property house to produce and develop rapidly are: the city caused by the land management system of our country. Rural dual land ownership; With the deepening of urbanization, the demand for housing of urban residents is rising, the price of urban commercial housing is too high, which exceeds the ability of low-income people to buy housing. The construction of urban affordable housing system is not perfect. The existence of a large number of small property rights has a profound impact on the economic and social development, both positive role, but also has obvious drawbacks. Promote the construction of small towns and new rural areas; ease the pressure on the construction of government-supported housing. But its drawbacks are more obvious: violation of relevant laws and regulations, not conducive to the protection of farmers' rights and interests, not conducive to the protection of the rights and interests of buyers; Not conducive to the order of the real estate market, healthy development. In view of the complexity of the problem of small property right house, the author from the angle of the main body of interest: the government department, the village collective organization, the farmer, the house buyer, Developers and other five angles were analyzed. On the basis of the current practice in various parts of the country, the author put forward the principles that should be adhered to in solving the problem of small property housing: adhere to the principle of governing according to law; adhere to the principle of classified treatment; and safeguard farmers, The principle of the interests of house buyers, the principle of equality of rights, and the policy suggestions to solve the problem of small property rights are put forward: the basic way is to establish a perfect mechanism of rural land circulation, and the system of rural land management must be improved. It is necessary to perfect the construction of urban affordable housing, to classify the existing houses with small property rights, and to distinguish between them according to the type of cultivated land occupied and whether it conforms to the standard of capital construction planning.


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