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发布时间:2018-03-21 05:53

  本文选题:土地市场 切入点:分析 出处:《中国国土资源经济》2016年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Comparing the data changes of land supply structure, land supply demand and land supply area between 2014 and 2015 in Yinchuan, It is found that in 2015, the land market of Yinchuan presents the following characteristics: 1: 1) significant increase in the amount of land used for infrastructure (2) the adjustment of the structure of housing land 3) the increase of project land in the new area year by year and 4) the phenomenon of land flow on the listed land is prominent in the real estate market. The urban land price has increased steadily. Overall, The land market in Yinchuan is becoming more rational. The demand for land for government investment in infrastructure projects is increasing. The real estate market is in a period of rapid growth shift, structural adjustment and policy improvement. In 2016, it is suggested that the land use work in Yinchuan should focus on the economic tasks of capacity, inventory, deleveraging, cost reduction, and supplement board, so as to make up for the increase in land use, under the premise of intensive land conservation system in 2016. Excavate the stock, optimize the structure, continue to contribute to the supply-side reform, to ensure the social and economic health, stable development.
【作者单位】: 银川市国土资源局建设用地服务中心;国家土地督察西安局;


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