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发布时间:2018-03-22 10:25

  本文选题:房地产公司 切入点:财务战略 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:财务战略是企业整体战略的重要组成部分,财务战略的制定和管理是企业综合能力的充分体现,并且对企业战略的实现起到支撑和保障作用。企业财务战略管理体系的建立以及筹资、投资和收益分配战略的不断完善,能够保障企业经营战略的顺利实现。 本论文以国内外有关财务战略研究综述和相关理论概括为基础,对宏运房地产公司的财务情况进行分析研究,探索适合宏运房地产公司的财务战略,,帮助该公司解决财务管理方面的问题。针对课题的特点,采用理论研究与实践研究方法、归纳分析以及定性分析与定量分析相结合的分析方法。 首先,对财务战略管理的发展概况和相关理论进行阐述;其次,以宏运房地产开发有限责任公司作为研究对象,对该公司近年来财务情况进行了分析,指出了该房地产公司财务战略管理方面存在的主要问题,采用波特五力模型和SWOT分析方法对公司发展的内外部环境进行了分析,为公司制定财务战略奠定基础;再根据公司战略目标以及财务战略具体目标制定出公司的筹资、投资、收益分配战略;最后,结合公司财务战略存在的具体问题以及公司财务战略实施可能出现的问题,有针对性的提出了解决对策。
[Abstract]:The financial strategy is an important part of the overall strategy of the enterprise, and the formulation and management of the financial strategy is the full embodiment of the comprehensive ability of the enterprise. The establishment of enterprise financial strategy management system and the continuous improvement of financing, investment and income distribution strategy can guarantee the smooth realization of enterprise management strategy. Based on the summary of financial strategy research and related theories at home and abroad, this paper analyzes and studies the financial situation of Hongyun Real Estate Company, and explores the financial strategy suitable for Hongyun Real Estate Company. According to the characteristics of the project, this paper adopts the methods of theoretical and practical research, inductive analysis and the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. First of all, the development of financial strategy management and related theories are described. Secondly, taking Hongyun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. as the research object, the financial situation of Hongyun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in recent years is analyzed. This paper points out the main problems existing in the financial strategy management of the real estate company, analyzes the internal and external environment of the company's development by using Porter's five-force model and SWOT analysis method, and lays the foundation for the company to formulate the financial strategy. Then according to the company strategic objectives and financial strategic targets to formulate the company's financing, investment, income distribution strategy; finally, combined with the company's financial strategy of the specific problems and possible problems in the implementation of corporate financial strategy, Some countermeasures are put forward.


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