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发布时间:2018-03-22 19:30

  本文选题:林业产业 切入点:SWOT分析 出处:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:论文运用产业经济学与区域经济学的相关理论,系统的分析、归纳了新宁县水庙镇林业产业所体现出的发展现状和基本特征,然后根据这些特征,运用SWOT分析法将水庙镇林业产业发展所面临的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁一一类出:水庙镇具备优越的气候以及土壤条件;林木、竹木、中草药资源在种类与总量上都极其丰富;以脐橙为代表的林业种植业市场在成本、价格、劳力以及其他方面具有较大的优势,市场竞争力优势明显;同时,论文还指出该镇在林龄结构、部分树种活立木储备、林业站建设上做的不够。希望该镇能抓住]\0山申世遗成功、房地产兴起、森林旅游业崛起的有利时机,避开林业病虫害、林业产权纠纷的威胁,迅速发展并崛起。 本研究还在对林业产业结构进行数据分析的基础上,在不同的时期对水庙镇林业三次产业的进行纵向比较与分析,得出三次产业发展的大致趋势与变化幅度。之后,论文使用了灰色关联分析法对林业三次产业内部、三次产业间进行动态的关联分析,根据产业结构分析以及动态关联分析,第四章进一步通过对三次产业进行比较得出该镇的主导产业的选择——林下产品加工业,同时根据现有的产业结构发展的趋势,提出产业发展的基本思路,即立足第一产业,转变林业第二产业发展重点,大力发展第三产业。 论文第六章则是在尊重当地林业发展实际需要的基础上,结合第五章SWOT分析结果、第四章结构分析结果来提出政策建议,文章最后,还对林业产业发展研究提出了自己的看法和研究展望。
[Abstract]:Based on the relevant theories of industrial economics and regional economics, the paper summarizes the present situation and basic characteristics of forestry industry in Shuimiao Town, Xinning County, and then according to these characteristics, The advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats faced by the development of forestry industry in Shuimiao Town were analyzed by using SWOT analysis method: Shuimiao Town had superior climate and soil conditions, the resources of forest, bamboo and Chinese herbal medicine were extremely rich in species and total amount; The forestry planting market, represented by navel orange, has great advantages in cost, price, labor and other aspects, and has obvious competitive advantage in the market. At the same time, the paper also points out that in the forest age structure of the town, some tree species are in reserve. It is hoped that the town can grasp the success of the mountain, the rise of real estate, the rise of forest tourism, avoid the threat of forest diseases and insect pests, and forestry property disputes, and develop and rise rapidly. On the basis of the data analysis of forestry industry structure, the longitudinal comparison and analysis of the three forestry industries in Shuimiao Town in different periods are carried out in this study, and the general trend and change range of the three industries are obtained. The paper uses the grey correlation analysis method to analyze the dynamic correlation between the three industries of forestry, according to the industrial structure analysis and the dynamic correlation analysis. In the fourth chapter, through the comparison of the three industries, we can get the choice of the leading industry of the town, that is, the processing industry under forest, and at the same time, according to the development trend of the existing industrial structure, put forward the basic idea of the industrial development, that is, based on the primary industry. Change forestry secondary industry development focus, vigorously develop tertiary industry. The sixth chapter of the paper is based on respecting the actual needs of local forestry development, combined with the results of the fifth chapter of SWOT analysis, the fourth chapter of the structure analysis results to put forward policy recommendations. Also put forward own view and research prospect to forestry industry development research.


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