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发布时间:2018-03-22 21:21

  本文选题:房产税 切入点:税基评估 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is the pillar industry of our country's economic development, the tax revenue is the main economic source of our country's finance and tax. At present, there are outstanding problems in the tax system of China's real estate, and the reform of the real estate tax has become the focus of the society's attention. So the introduction of a unified real estate tax is on the agenda. In November 2013, at the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, In terms of deepening the reform, the legislation on speeding up the property tax and the decision to deepen the reform are put forward. The property tax base assessment is a work that needs to be done before the property tax is collected. The assessment of the real estate tax base using the traditional evaluation method is feasible, but the method is time-consuming. It's too expensive to evaluate real estate across the region. Other countries outside the country, such as the United States and the UK, have been levying similar property taxes, and their research on the theory of tax base assessment is naturally very early. Overseas real estate tax base assessment is a critical method. At present, the research of tax base assessment method in China is still in the research stage, so these countries have advantages over our country in theoretical research and practical application. This paper is based on the mature experience of other overseas countries, and studies the form of the property tax reform being carried out in our country. This paper introduces in detail the related concepts of property tax base batch evaluation, the basic elements of real estate tax base evaluation and the basic concept of batch evaluation. Then, in the United States, Lithuania, the United States, Lithuania, the United States, Lithuania, the United States, Lithuania, In Hong Kong and other places, the practice of batch assessment of the property tax base is being implemented as a reference. Finally, based on the stock housing market of Shijiazhuang City, the multivariate regression model of batch evaluation is constructed to apply the method of real estate tax base batch evaluation.


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