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发布时间:2018-03-24 14:16

  本文选题:创业机会 切入点:机会识别 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:瑞东公司,专业从事铁艺设计、研发、制造,以及施工安装等服务。经过创业后两年多的初步发展,目前,公司的业务覆盖范围为辽宁省境内,工程项目分布于省内多地,并且已经建立了自己品牌的销售市场和客户网络。由于公司产品面向的主要客户是房地产开发商,而目前房地产市场持续低迷,给公司的发展已经带来了较大的影响;再加上市场人工价格的日益上涨,是否需要对传统生产工艺进行改革,采用新工艺减少员工数量,来降低生产成本,成为当前困扰创业者的严峻问题,同时也为企业认清自身情况、开发新创业项目创造了有利机会。因此,开展企业的新创业机会识别与选择研究是一项迫切的任务,通过选择恰当的创业机会,并制定相应的实施战略对于企业的生存和发展具有重大意义。 本文运用创业机会的管理和识别理论,以瑞东公司为研究实例,对该公司的创业机会评估、选择和战略等问题进行了详细阐述。首先,通过调查研究,掌握公司的基本情况、成长过程、在特殊时期面临的压力和主要创业机会;其次,应用SWOT分析对企业现行发展过程中内部环境的优势和劣势,外部环境中的机遇和威胁进行总结归纳;然后,通过调查问卷的形式收集创业机会的评价数据,并建立创业机会的价值评估模型,用来客观评估创业机会的有效性和帮助创业者做出决策;最后,针对新的创业机会提出公司应该采取的具体应对措施,为新创业机会的切实落实提供建议和方法。 本文的研究成果可以直观的给创业者展现创业机会识别的过程,以及如何制定战略、规避风险方面提供给小型创业企业一些有益的参考、借鉴,能对创业企业未来的经营和发展具有一定的指导价值。
[Abstract]:Ruidong Co., Ltd. specializes in iron design, R & D, manufacturing, construction and installation and other services. After more than two years of initial development after starting a business, at present, the company's business covers the territory of Liaoning Province, and engineering projects are distributed in many places in the province. And has already established its own brand sales market and the customer network. Because the company product faces the main customer is the real estate developer, but the present real estate market continues to be depressed, has brought the big influence to the company's development; In addition, with the increasing labor prices in the market, whether it is necessary to reform the traditional production process and reduce the number of employees by adopting the new process to reduce production costs has become a serious problem for entrepreneurs at present. At the same time, it also creates a favorable opportunity for enterprises to recognize their own situation and develop new entrepreneurial projects. Therefore, it is an urgent task to carry out the research on the identification and selection of new entrepreneurial opportunities by choosing the appropriate entrepreneurial opportunities. It is of great significance for the survival and development of enterprises to formulate the corresponding implementation strategy. Based on the theory of management and identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, this paper takes Ruidong Company as an example to elaborate on the evaluation, selection and strategy of entrepreneurial opportunities. First, through investigation and research, we can grasp the basic situation of the company. Growth process, in a special period of pressure and major entrepreneurial opportunities; secondly, the use of SWOT analysis of the current development process of enterprises in the internal environment strengths and weaknesses, external environment opportunities and threats are summarized; then, The evaluation data of entrepreneurial opportunities are collected through questionnaire, and the value evaluation model of entrepreneurial opportunities is established to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurial opportunities and help entrepreneurs to make decisions. According to the new entrepreneurial opportunities, the paper puts forward the concrete measures that should be taken by the company, and provides suggestions and methods for the practical implementation of the new entrepreneurial opportunities. The research results of this paper can directly show entrepreneurs the process of identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, and how to formulate strategies to avoid risks to provide some useful reference for small enterprises. It has certain guiding value to the future management and development of the enterprise.


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