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发布时间:2018-03-25 07:10

  本文选题:投资公司 切入点:房地产项目 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业作为拉动我国国内生产总值的重要支柱行业之一始终在我国的国民经济中扮演着重要的角色,其不仅带动了钢铁、建材、家电等行业的发展,同时也因能产生高额的投资利润而吸引了大量的金融资金。随着美国次贷危机的爆发,我国政府开始对房地产业实施一系列调控政策,使得银行信贷资金对房地产业收紧、贷款门槛提高,中小房地产开发企业开始出现生存危机。投资公司瞄准了这个时机,纷纷从实业投资、资源投资转向房地产投资。然而,鄂尔多斯楼市泡沫的破裂时刻预警着投资房地产项目虽然可以获得高回报但也面临着巨大的风险。倘若投资公司没有全面认识所投资项目的风险状况,没有建立完善的风险控制体系,只是凭借经验主义投机房地产将很有可能面临无法收回投资本金甚至出现资金断裂面临倒闭的风险,目前大多数投资公司即没有商业银行那么严格的风险控制体系,也没有足够多的储备资金,一旦某个房地产项目在还款和处置抵押物方面出现问题,会出现大量的坏账呆账,很容易因此而产生财务困难。所以,对于投资公司而言,如何在房地产投资时做好项目风险控制就显地尤为重要。 本文共分五章进行论述。第一章主要阐述研究的背景、意义;分析国内外对房地产项目风险控制研究的现状以及存在的问题;明确本文研究重点。第二章阐述房地产投资及房地产投资风险的定义;分析我国投资公司在房地产项目风险控制方面的现状,阐述投资公司投资房地产项目时进行风险控制的必要性。第三章主要从房地产项目的事前风险评估、事中风险防范及事后风险控制效果评价三个角度构建投资公司房地产项目风险控制体系。第四章运用案例实施第三章的风险控制体系。第五章对论文的研究工作进行总结,并展望未来。 本文可能的创新点在于:(1)论文视角创新。目前在房地产项目风险控制方面的研究主要是以房地产开发企业为研究对象,而对第三方投资者(如投资公司)在项目投资时所面临的风险研究却甚少涉及。因此,本文选取以投资公司为视角进行风险研究具有一定的新意。(2)实证内容创新。目前的很多风险控制模型只能停留在理论层面,却受制于模型设定的条件而难以运用到实践工作中去。本文通过对房地产投资风险理论的研究,结合目前投资公司对地产项目风险控制的现状,构建了投资公司房地产项目风险控制体系,并用案例对该体系进行实施和评价。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry, as one of the most important pillar industries in China's GDP, has always played an important role in the national economy of our country. It has not only driven the development of steel, building materials, household appliances and other industries, With the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, our government began to implement a series of regulation and control policies on the real estate industry, which made bank credit funds tighten on the real estate industry. The loan threshold was raised, and small and medium-sized real estate development enterprises began to face a survival crisis. Investment companies aimed at this opportunity, one after another, from industrial investment to resource investment to real estate investment. However, The bursting of the housing bubble in Ordos warns that investing in real estate projects, while earning high returns, is also a huge risk. If investment companies do not fully understand the risks of the projects they are investing in, Without the establishment of a sound risk control system, it is only possible to rely on empiricism to speculate on real estate that it is likely to face the risk of failure to recover the principal of the investment or even the collapse of the capital. At present, most investment companies do not have such a strict risk control system as commercial banks, nor do they have enough reserve funds. Once a real estate project has problems in repayment and disposal of collateral, there will be a large number of bad loans and bad debts. It is easy to create financial difficulties. Therefore, how to control project risk in real estate investment is particularly important for investment companies. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly describes the background and significance of the study, analyzes the domestic and foreign research on real estate project risk control status and existing problems; The second chapter expounds the definition of real estate investment and real estate investment risk, analyzes the present situation of investment companies in real estate project risk control, This paper expounds the necessity of risk control when investment companies invest in real estate projects. The third chapter mainly discusses the prior risk assessment of real estate projects. In chapter 4, the risk control system of real estate project of investment company is implemented by case study. Chapter five summarizes the research work of the thesis. And look to the future. The possible innovation of this paper lies in the innovation of the perspective of the thesis. At present, the research on the risk control of real estate projects is mainly focused on the real estate development enterprises. However, research on the risks faced by third party investors (such as investment companies) when investing in projects is rarely studied. This paper chooses the investment company as the angle of view to carry on the risk research to have certain innovation. The current many risk control models can only stay in the theoretical level. However, it is difficult to apply it to the practical work because of the conditions set by the model. Through the research on the theory of real estate investment risk, this paper combines the current situation of investment companies to control the risk of real estate projects. The real estate project risk control system of investment company is constructed, and the system is implemented and evaluated with cases.


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6 彭定,




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