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发布时间:2018-03-25 13:37

  本文选题:居住区 切入点:环境 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当今,随着中国生活水平的不断提高,房地产市场的不断升温,商品住宅区出现以后,居住区景观规划设计理论也逐渐的丰富起来,景观规划设计作为一个相对独立的分支开始进入到人们的视线中,受到人们的关注,并成为公众关注的热点。随着人们对居住环境质量要求的不断提升,使得居住区的景观规划设计逐渐成为居住区规划设计当中的一个重要环节,并且环境优美的景观居住区在一定程度上能够带动当地房地产公司的销售业绩,所以国内的许多房地产公司都兴起了以景观设计为主导的设计热潮。 本文以包头市裕民新城居住区的设计规划进行探讨、分析,力图提出问题,发现问题,解决问题。裕民新城居住区景观规划主要坚持“以人为本”的设计理念。设计中以生态环境优先为原则,充分体现对人的关怀,大处着眼,整体设计。通过对功能分区及主要景观节点、道路景观、绿地景观、广场铺装、景观小品等各项的研究和规划,最大限度的体现居住区底蕴,设计中尽量保留居住区原有的积极元素,加上和谐亲切的景观设计,在内部环境中强调生活、文化、景观间的连接,使整个居住区和谐统一,美化了居住环境,方便了日常生活。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards in China and the rising of the real estate market, the theory of landscape planning and design of residential areas is gradually enriched after the appearance of commercial residential areas. Landscape planning and design as a relatively independent branch of people began to enter the line of sight, by people's attention, and become the focus of public attention. The landscape planning and design of residential areas has gradually become an important link in the planning and design of residential areas, and the scenic residential areas with beautiful environment can, to a certain extent, drive the sales performance of local real estate companies. Therefore, many domestic real estate companies have a landscape-oriented design boom. This paper discusses and analyzes the design and planning of Yumin New Town residential district in Baotou City, and tries to put forward the problem and find out the problem. Solve the problem. Yumin New Town residential landscape planning mainly adhere to the "people-oriented" design concept. The design of ecological environment as the principle of priority, fully reflect the concern for people, the big focus, Overall design. Through the functional zoning and main landscape nodes, road landscape, green landscape, plaza pavement, landscape sketch and other research and planning, the maximum embodiment of residential details, In the design, the original positive elements of residential area are retained as far as possible, and the harmonious and cordial landscape design is added to emphasize the connection of life, culture and landscape in the internal environment, which makes the whole residential area harmonious and unified and beautifies the living environment. It facilitates daily life.


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