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发布时间:2018-03-26 17:37

  本文选题:房地产价格 切入点:虚拟经济 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization and financial liberalization, the virtualization degree of the world economy is increasing, and the scale of virtual economy has exceeded the traditional real economy scale. The fictitious nature of real estate is increasing with the development of virtual economy. At present, the degree of operation of our country in the international financial system has deepened, and the degree of economic virtualization has also increased with the prosperity of financial markets and the innovation of financial instruments. Real estate has become the same important investment product as stock, fund and other financial assets. As an important driving force of macro economy in China, the reasonable and stable price of real estate affects the development of economy and the harmony of society. From the point of view of virtual economy in modern market economy, this paper studies the virtual characteristics of real estate, and makes a more scientific and reasonable explanation of the driving factors of real estate price at present. Based on the special perspective of virtual economy, this paper studies the driving factors of real estate price in China from both theoretical and empirical aspects. Firstly, on the basis of expounding the essence of capitalized pricing of virtual economy, Secondly, through the qualitative analysis of the driving factors of real estate price, such as asset pricing model, rational expectation, financial accelerator theory and so on, we can conclude the money supply, interest rate level, bank credit, etc. In the empirical aspect, we construct a vector autoregressive model (VARA) to select the broad money supply, the loan interest rate of financial institutions for one to three years, the domestic loans from real estate funds, the composite index of A shares of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The real effective exchange rate index of RMB is taken as the indicator of the explanatory variable, and the national commercial housing sales price is taken as the indicator of the explained variable, and the quarterly data from the third quarter of 2005 to the fourth quarter of 2013 are used. The ADF test is used to test and analyze the key drivers, such as Granger causality test, impulse response function and variance decomposition. The empirical results show that all the key drivers have different effects on real estate prices. Among them, the broad money supply, the domestic loans from real estate funds, the Shanghai Stock Exchange A composite index, the real effective exchange rate of RMB on the sales price of commercial housing in China are mainly positive effects. However, the loan interest rates of financial institutions for one to three years have a negative effect on the sales prices of commercial housing nationwide; the broad money supply, domestic loans from real estate funds, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange A composite index have a greater contribution to real estate prices. However, the loan interest rate of financial institutions and the real effective exchange rate of RMB for one to three years make a small contribution to the sales price of commercial housing in China. Finally, according to the theoretical and empirical results, this paper tries to adapt to the development of virtual economy. This paper puts forward some policy considerations: considering the duality of real estate, combining government guarantee with market supply, constructing information service platform, managing real estate price expectation effectively, strengthening financial supervision and maintaining financial stability of real estate; We will expand and standardize investment channels and prudently develop financial innovation.


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4 王,




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