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发布时间:2018-03-26 19:17

  本文选题:咨询 切入点:房地产咨询 出处:《南京工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, real estate consulting enterprises, which mainly provide knowledge services, want to win in the fierce market competition, make effective use of knowledge assets to integrate and innovate, and improve the comprehensive knowledge service ability of enterprises. Knowledge innovation is helpful for real estate consulting enterprises to provide more professional and more extensive consulting business and enhance their comprehensive ability. The real estate consulting industry in China is at a critical moment of development. It is necessary to adapt to the change of macro environment, based on the consideration of strategic adjustment, to change the traditional consulting service of lower level and to turn to the high level omnidirectional consulting business. The purpose of this paper is to build on the previous research on knowledge innovation. Combined with the development status and knowledge characteristics of domestic real estate consulting enterprises, This paper probes into the influencing factors of knowledge innovation in real estate consulting enterprises and puts forward the solutions to the knowledge innovation in view of the characteristics of real estate consulting enterprises, so as to improve the comprehensive service ability of the real estate consulting enterprises and improve the present development situation of the real estate consulting enterprises. Realize the business upgrade, and then enhance the social value of the industry. Firstly, the paper expounds and defines the concept of the real estate consulting enterprise. Then it systematically discusses the current situation and characteristics of its development. From the perspective of knowledge innovation and the development of real estate consulting enterprises' own business, This paper expounds the necessity and importance of knowledge innovation in real estate consulting enterprises. From the angle of customer and information technology, this paper makes questionnaire analysis and AHP analysis to find the main influencing factors suitable for the knowledge innovation of real estate consulting enterprises. Finally, combined with the practice of knowledge innovation in Walien Real Estate, the author puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problem. That is, to create a corporate culture conducive to knowledge innovation, to establish an enterprise system conducive to knowledge innovation, and to build a more concrete, scientific and practical material platform for knowledge innovation. In order to make the main body of innovation more initiative to promote the process of knowledge innovation.


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