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发布时间:2018-03-27 14:58

  本文选题:中小企业 切入点:投资公司 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国经济转型、提升、快速发展的三十多年来,中小企业的比重在不断的增加,随之而来的中小企业所面临的由于规模受限所造成的利润率低、筹资规模受限、向金融机构融资困难等诸多问题,越来越突显出来。深圳是改革开放的前沿,作为中小企业融资的拓展渠道,一些投资公司、担保公司、股权投资公司、股权投资基金、供应链公司应运而生,成为了中小企业除银行等金融机构融资的补充来源。本文从投资公司的视角考虑,以股权及债权相结合的模式来探讨及实施对中小企业进行融资可行性及相对全面的操作方案,通过投资公司对中小企业基础信息的了解,设计出安全控制资金使用方案,提出了投资公司在对中小企业融资业务受理条件、评估审计、流程控制、审批通过、贷后管理等针对适合我国的中小企业融资在理论与实操相结合的有效方案。 本文一共分为五个部分,第一部分是绪论,简单的介绍了中小企业融资的方式、研究背景、研究的目的和研究的意义以及研究的现状;第二部分是中小企业融资的理论分析部分,介绍了我国的中小企业的发展概况与发展趋势,着重介绍了在当前的经济环境下,中小企业融资难的境地,进而分析融资难所产生的原因,并初步提出了解决中小企业融资难的相应对策。第三部分主要是投资公司解决中小企业融资过程的理论分析。本章介绍了投资公司可以作为银行的替代品,来解决中小企业融资难的问题及大致流程和控制手段,通过对中小企业所需融资项目的分析、诊断、调研、评估来介绍投资公司在做项目投资上的管理尺度及标准,进而提出项目投资中常见的问题和需要注意的关键节点,并提出了相应的建议和手段来解决这些问题。接着通过例证利用中小企业融资的分类,来揭示不同类型的投资业务中隐藏着的不同等级的风险;第四部分为投资公司对中小企业投资项目操作分析,本章通过在当前对房地产项目严格控制的环境之下,Z投资有限公司对贵州H公司房地产公司PE(股权投资)投资的案例来全面展示了投资公司在办理中小企业融资业务的整个流程,从项目受理时交易结构的确立、风控措施的选择、交易对手的全方位分析、房地产政策的解读、项目的整体评估、风险评估等方面展示了投资公司对整个融资业务贯通性的分析方法;第五部分为全文的结论。
[Abstract]:In the more than 30 years of economic transformation, promotion and rapid development of our country, the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises has been continuously increasing. As a result, the small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with low profit margins and limited financing scale due to the restriction of their scale. The difficulties in financing financial institutions have become increasingly prominent. Shenzhen is at the forefront of reform and opening up. As an expanding channel for small and medium-sized enterprises to raise funds, some investment companies, guarantee companies, equity investment companies, equity investment funds, Supply chain companies emerge as the times require, becoming a supplementary source of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises except banks and other financial institutions. This paper discusses and implements the financing feasibility and relatively comprehensive operation plan of small and medium-sized enterprises by the combination of equity and creditor's rights. Through the understanding of the basic information of small and medium-sized enterprises by investment companies, the scheme of using safe control funds is designed. This paper puts forward the effective scheme of the investment company to deal with the financing business of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as accepting the condition, evaluating the audit, controlling the flow, approving the approval, managing after the loan and so on, which is suitable for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises suitable for our country in the combination of theory and practice. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction, a brief introduction to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, the research background, the purpose and significance of the study and the status quo of the study; The second part is the theoretical analysis of the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. It introduces the general situation and trend of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country, focusing on the difficult situation of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the current economic environment. And then analyze the causes of financing difficulties, The third part is mainly about the theoretical analysis of investment companies to solve the financing process of small and medium-sized enterprises. This chapter introduces that investment companies can be used as a substitute for banks. To solve the problem of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises and the general process and control means. Through the analysis, diagnosis, investigation and evaluation of the financing projects needed by small and medium-sized enterprises, it introduces the management standards and standards of investment companies in making project investments. Then put forward the common problems in project investment and the key nodes to pay attention to, and put forward the corresponding suggestions and means to solve these problems. To reveal the different levels of risk hidden in different types of investment business. The fourth part is the operation analysis of investment companies to small and medium-sized enterprises investment projects. In this chapter, the case of investment in PE (equity investment) of real estate company of Guizhou H Company under the circumstance of strict control of real estate project is presented in order to show that the investment company is dealing with the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. The whole process of the business, From the establishment of transaction structure, the choice of risk control measures, the comprehensive analysis of counterparty, the interpretation of real estate policy, the overall evaluation of the project, The risk assessment shows the analysis method of the whole financing business of the investment company. The fifth part is the conclusion of the paper.


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