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发布时间:2018-03-29 12:20

  本文选题:居住区 切入点:景观 出处:《河北农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着近年来房地产市场不断升温,人们对居住环境要求的提高,居住区无论从建设的数量还是设计规划的质量来看,都有了很大的提高。商品住宅区出现以后,居住区规划理论逐渐丰富,居住区景观规划设计做为一个相对独立的分支开始受到关注,并成为公众关注的热点。在这样的发展背景下,探索现代居住区景观规划设计对于满足人们的生活需要、实现人与自然和谐相处具有重要的现实意义。 本文以居住区景观规划设计的实例做为探讨解决问题方法的途径,通过“凯旋城-新天地”小区的设计实践,力图提出问题,发现问题,解决问题。“凯旋城-新天地”居住区景观规划主要考虑“人与自然”之间的和谐关系,以尊重自然、利用自然、改造自然为原则,坚持“以人为本”的设计理念。设计中以生态环境优先为原则,充分体现对人的关怀,大处着眼,整体设计。通过对功能分区及主要景观节点、道路系统设计、绿地景观、园林建筑小品、经济技术指标等各项的研究和规划,最大限度的体现居住区底蕴,设计中尽量保留居住区原有的积极元素,加上和谐亲切的景观设计,在内部环境中强调生活、文化、景观间的连接,使整个居住区和谐统一,美化了居住环境,方便了日常生活。 通过“凯旋城-新天地”居住区景观规划设计,总结了现今居住区景观规划中出现的问题:比如设计缺乏以人文本,绿化选用树种不当等;展望了未来的发展趋势,如进一步深化以人为本的设计理念,突出文脉的延续性,,发挥植物生态作用,提升小区健康指标等;同时得出了以下结论:居住区环境景观设计是技术与艺术的结合,与建筑设计、园艺设计等密不可分,在居住区环境日益受到重视的今天,环境景观的设计也愈受重视;通过这次“凯旋城-新天地”居住区景观规划设计,查阅了大量相关资料,参考了国内外的优秀设计案例,对当前居住区景观规划相关理论和现状有了更全面深入的了解,设计水平有了一定的提高,基本实现了建设一个环境优美、适宜居住的小区的目标,也希望对同行业从业者具有一定的现实和借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the rising of the real estate market in recent years and the improvement of people's living environment requirements, the residential areas have greatly improved both in terms of the quantity of construction and the quality of design and planning. After the appearance of the commercial residential areas, The theory of residential area planning is becoming more and more abundant. As a relatively independent branch, residential landscape planning and design has been paid more and more attention to by the public. It is of great practical significance to explore the landscape planning and design of modern residential areas in order to meet the needs of people and realize the harmony between man and nature. This paper takes the example of landscape planning and design of residential area as the way to solve the problem, through the design practice of "triumphant city-Xintiandi" district, trying to put forward the problem, find the problem, Solve the problem. The landscape planning of "triumphant city-Xintiandi" residential area mainly considers the harmonious relationship between "man and nature", with respect for nature, use of nature, transformation of nature as the principle, Adhere to the "people-oriented" design concept. The design takes the ecological environment as the first principle, fully reflects the concern for people, focus on the overall design. Through the functional zoning and main landscape nodes, road system design, green landscape, The research and planning of landscape architecture sketches, economic and technical indicators, etc., to maximize the embodiment of residential details, to retain as much as possible the original positive elements of residential areas, plus harmonious and cordial landscape design, to emphasize life in the internal environment, The connection of culture and landscape makes the whole residential area harmonious and unified, beautifies the living environment and facilitates daily life. Through the landscape planning and design of "triumphant city-Xintiandi" residential district, this paper summarizes the existing problems in residential area landscape planning: for example, the lack of human text in design, the improper selection of trees for greening, and the prospect of the future development trend. Such as further deepening the concept of people-oriented design, highlighting the continuity of context, giving play to the ecological role of plants, improving the health indicators of residential areas, and so on. At the same time, the following conclusions are drawn: the environmental landscape design of residential areas is a combination of technology and art. It is closely related to architectural design, horticultural design, and so on. Today, when the environment of residential areas is being paid more and more attention to, the design of environmental landscape is becoming more and more important; through the landscape planning and design of residential areas in the "triumphant city-Xintiandi", Consulting a large number of relevant materials, referring to the excellent design cases at home and abroad, we have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the current residential landscape planning theory and current situation, and the design level has been improved to a certain extent. It has basically realized the goal of constructing a residential district with beautiful environment and suitable residence, and also hopes to have certain realistic and referential significance for the practitioners of the same industry.


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